Package mvpa :: Package datasets :: Module nifti
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Module nifti

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Dataset that gets its samples from a NIfTI file
Classes [hide private]
Dataset loading its samples from a NIfTI image or file.
Dataset with event-defined samples from a NIfTI timeseries image.
Functions [hide private]
getNiftiFromAnySource(src, ensure=False, enforce_dim=None, scale_data=True)
Load/access NIfTI data from files or instances.
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Convenience function to extract the data array from a NiftiImage
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Given *NiftiDataset, returns a copy of NIfTI header with reset scl_ fields...
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Variables [hide private]
  oldname = __name__
  __name__ = __name__

Imports: externals, sys, N, deepcopy, debug, NiftiImage, Dataset, MappedDataset, EventDataset, CombinedMapper, DescreteMetric, cartesianDistance, DenseArrayMapper, warning

Function Details [hide private]

getNiftiFromAnySource(src, ensure=False, enforce_dim=None, scale_data=True)

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Load/access NIfTI data from files or instances.
  • src, str, |, NiftiImage - Filename of a NIfTI image or a NiftiImage instance.
  • ensure (bool) - If True, through ValueError exception if cannot be loaded.
  • enforce_dim (int or None) - If not None, it is the dimensionality of the data to be enforced, commonly 4D for the data, and 3D for the mask in case of fMRI.
  • scale_data (bool) - NIfTI header specifies scl_slope and scl_inter for scaling and offsetting the data. By default those will get applied to the data (change in behavior post 0.4.6).
NiftiImage | None
If the source is not supported None is returned.


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Convenience function to extract the data array from a NiftiImage

This function will make use of advanced features of PyNIfTI to prevent unnecessary copying if a sufficent version is available.


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Given *NiftiDataset, returns a copy of NIfTI header with reset scl_ fields