Package mvpa :: Package mappers :: Module base :: Class CombinedMapper
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Class CombinedMapper

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Meta mapper that combines several embedded mappers.

This mapper can be used the map from several input dataspaces into a common
output dataspace. When :meth:`~mvpa.mappers.base.CombinedMapper.forward`
is called with a sequence of data, each element in that sequence is passed
to the corresponding mapper, which in turned forward-maps the data. The
output of all mappers is finally stacked (horizontally or column or
feature-wise) into a single large 2D matrix (nsamples x nfeatures).

.. note::
  This mapper can only embbed mappers that transform data into a 2D
  (nsamples x nfeatures) representation. For mappers not supporting this
  transformation, consider wrapping them in a
  :class:`~mvpa.mappers.base.ChainMapper` with an appropriate
  post-processing mapper.

CombinedMapper fully supports forward and backward mapping, training,
runtime selection of a feature subset (in output dataspace) and retrieval
of neighborhood information.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, mappers, **kwargs)
:Parameters: mappers: list of Mapper instances The order of the mappers in the list is important, as it will define the order in which data snippets have to be passed to :meth:`~mvpa.mappers.base.CombinedMapper.forward`.
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forward(self, data)
Map data from the IN spaces into to common OUT space.
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reverse(self, data)
Reverse map data from OUT space into the IN spaces.
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train(self, dataset)
Trains all embedded mappers.
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Returns the size of the entity in input space
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Returns the size of the entity in output space
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selectOut(self, outIds)
Remove some elements and leave only ids in 'out'/feature space.
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getNeighbor(self, outId, *args, **kwargs)
Get the ids of the neighbors of a single feature in output dataspace.
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Inherited from Mapper: __call__, getInId, getMetric, getNeighborIn, getNeighbors, isValidInId, isValidOutId, setMetric

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from Mapper: metric, nfeatures

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, mappers, **kwargs)

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  mappers: list of Mapper instances
    The order of the mappers in the list is important, as it will define
    the order in which data snippets have to be passed to
    All additional arguments are passed to the base-class constructor.

  • metric - Optional metric
Overrides: object.__init__

forward(self, data)

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Map data from the IN spaces into to common OUT space.
array: nsamples x nfeatures
Horizontally stacked array of all embedded mapper outputs.
Overrides: Mapper.forward

reverse(self, data)

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Reverse map data from OUT space into the IN spaces.
Overrides: Mapper.reverse

train(self, dataset)

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Trains all embedded mappers.

The provided training dataset is splitted appropriately and the
corresponding pieces are passed to the
:meth:`~mvpa.mappers.base.Mapper.train` method of each embedded mapper.

  dataset: :class:`~mvpa.datasets.base.Dataset` or subclass
    A dataset with the number of features matching the `outSize` of the

Overrides: Mapper.train


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Returns the size of the entity in input space
Overrides: Mapper.getInSize


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Returns the size of the entity in output space
Overrides: Mapper.getOutSize

selectOut(self, outIds)

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Remove some elements and leave only ids in 'out'/feature space.

The subset selection is done inplace
  • outIds, sequence - Subset of ids of the current feature in OUT space to keep.
Overrides: Mapper.selectOut

getNeighbor(self, outId, *args, **kwargs)

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Get the ids of the neighbors of a single feature in output dataspace.

Returns a list of outIds

Overrides: Mapper.getNeighbor


outId: int
Single id of a feature in output space, whos neighbors should be determined.
*args, **kwargs
Additional arguments are passed to the metric of the embedded mapper, that is responsible for the corresponding feature.

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)