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This content refers to the previous stable release of PyMVPA. Please visit for the most recent version of PyMVPA and its documentation.


This is an example demonstrating various kernel implementation in PyMVPA.

from mvpa.suite import *
from mvpa.clfs.kernel import *
import pylab as P

# N.random.seed(1)
data = N.random.rand(4, 2)

for kernel_class, kernel_args in (
    (KernelConstant, {'sigma_0':1.0}),
    (KernelConstant, {'sigma_0':1.0}),
    (KernelLinear, {'Sigma_p':N.eye(data.shape[1])}),
    (KernelLinear, {'Sigma_p':N.ones(data.shape[1])}),
    (KernelLinear, {'Sigma_p':2.0}),
    (KernelLinear, {}),
    (KernelExponential, {}),
    (KernelSquaredExponential, {}),
    (KernelMatern_3_2, {}),
    (KernelMatern_5_2, {}),
    (KernelRationalQuadratic, {}),
    kernel = kernel_class(**kernel_args)
    print kernel
    result = kernel.compute(data)

# In the following we draw some 2D functions at random from the
# distribution N(O,kernel) defined by each available kernel and
# plot them. These plots shows the flexibility of a given kernel
# (with default parameters) when doing interpolation. The choice
# of a kernel defines a prior probability over the function space
# used for regression/classfication with GPR/GPC.
count = 1
for k in kernel_dictionary.keys():
    # X = N.random.rand(size)*12.0-6.0
    # X.sort()
    X = N.arange(-1,1,.02)
    X = X[:,N.newaxis]
    ker = kernel_dictionary[k]()
    K = ker.compute(X,X)
    for i in range(10):
        f = N.random.multivariate_normal(N.zeros(X.shape[0]),K)

    count += 1

if cfg.getboolean('examples', 'interactive', True):
    # show all the cool figures

See also

The full source code of this example is included in the PyMVPA source distribution (doc/examples/