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Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Python |
An example showing how to fit an HRF model to noisy peristimulus time-series data.
First, importing the necessary pieces:
import numpy as N
import pylab as P
from mvpa.misc.plot import plotErrLine
from mvpa.misc.fx import singleGammaHRF, leastSqFit
from mvpa import cfg
Now, we generate some noisy “trial time courses” from a simple gamma function (40 samples, 6s time-to-peak, 7s FWHM and no additional scaling:
a = N.asarray([singleGammaHRF(N.arange(20), A=6, W=7, K=1)] * 40)
# get closer to reality with noise
a += N.random.normal(size=a.shape)
Fitting a gamma function to this data is easy (using resonable seeds for the parameter search (5s time-to-peak, 5s FWHM, and no scaling):
fpar, succ = leastSqFit(singleGammaHRF, [5,5,1], a)
Generate high-resultion curves for the ‘true’ time course and the fitted one for visualization and plot them together with the data:
x = N.linspace(0,20)
curves = [(x, singleGammaHRF(x, 6, 7, 1)),
(x, singleGammaHRF(x, *fpar))]
# plot data (with error bars) and both curves
plotErrLine(a, curves=curves, linestyle='-')
# add legend to plot
P.legend(('original', 'fit'))
if cfg.getboolean('examples', 'interactive', True):
# show the cool figure
The ouput of the provided example should look like
See also
The full source code of this example is included in the PyMVPA source distribution (doc/examples/curvefitting.py).