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Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Python |
The first step of any analysis in PyMVPA involves reading the data and putting it into the necessary shape for the intended analysis. But even after the initial setup, many algorithms have to modify datasets, e.g. by selecting a subset of it, or simple transformations of the data (e.g. z-scoring), or more complex things like projections into alternative representations/spaces.
This section introduces the basic concepts of a dataset in PyMVPA and shows useful operations typically performed on datasets.
A minimal dataset in PyMVPA consists of a number of samples, where each individual sample is nothing more than a vector of values. Each sample is associated with a label, which defines the category the respective sample belongs to, or in more general terms, defines the model that should be learned by a classifier. Moreover, samples can be grouped into so-called chunks, where each chunk is assumed to be statistically independent from all other data chunks.
The foundation of PyMVPA’s data handling is the Dataset class. Basically, this class stores data samples, sample attributes and dataset attributes. By definition, sample attributes assign a value to each data sample (e.g. labels, or chunks) and dataset attributes are additional information or functionality that apply to the whole dataset.
Most likely the Dataset class will not be used directly, but through one of the derived classes. However, it is perfectly possible to use it directly. In the simplest case a dataset can be constructed by specifying some data samples and the corresponding class labels.
>>> import numpy as N
>>> from mvpa.datasets import Dataset
>>> data = Dataset(samples=N.random.normal(size=(10,5)), labels=1)
>>> data
<Dataset / float64 10 x 5 uniq: 1 labels 10 chunks>
The above example creates a dataset with 10 samples and 5 features each. The values of all features stem from normally distributed random noise. The class label ‘1’ is assigned to all samples. Instead of a single scalar value labels can also be a sequence with individual labels for each data sample. In this case the length of this sequence has to match the number of samples.
Interestingly, the dataset object tells us about 10 chunks. In PyMVPA chunks are used to group subsets of data samples. However, if no grouping information is provided all data samples are assumed to be in their own group, hence no sample grouping is performed.
Both labels and chunks are so called sample attributes. All sample attributes are stored in sequence-type containers consisting of one value per sample. These containers can be accessed by properties with the same as the attribute:
>>> data.labels
array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
>>> data.chunks
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
The data samples themselves are stored as a two-dimensional matrix where each row vector is a sample and each column vector contains the values of a feature across all samples. The Dataset class provides access to the samples matrix via the samples property.
>>> data.samples.shape
(10, 5)
The Dataset class itself can only deal with 2d sample matrices. However, PyMVPA provides a very easy way to deal with data where each data sample is more than a 1d vector: Data Mapping
It was already mentioned that the Dataset class cannot deal with data samples that are more than simple vectors. This could be a problem in cases where the data has a higher dimensionality, e.g. functional brain-imaging data where each data sample is typically a three-dimensional volume.
One approach to deal with this situation would be to concatenate the whole volume into a 1d vector. While this would work in certain cases there is definitely information lost. Especially for brain-imaging data one would most likely want keep information about neighborhood and distances between data sample elements.
In PyMVPA this is done by mappers that transform data samples from their original dataspace into the so-called features space. In the above neuro-imaging example the dataspace is three-dimensional and the feature space always refers to the 2d samples x features representation that is required by the Dataset class. In the context of mappers the dataspace is sometimes also referred to as in-space (i.e. the initial data that goes into the mapper) while the feature space is labeled as out-space (i.e. the mapper output when doing forward mapping).
The task of a mapper, besides transforming samples into 1d vectors, is to retain as much information of the dataspace as possible. Some mappers provide information about dataspace metrics and feature neighbourhood, but all mappers are able to do reverse mapping from feature space into the original dataspace.
Usually one does not have to deal with mappers directly. PyMVPA provides some convenience subclasses of Dataset that automatically perform the necessary mapping operations internally.
For an introduction into to concept of a dataset with mapping capabilities we can take a look at the MaskedDataset class. This dataset class works almost exactly like the basic Dataset class, except that it provides some additional methods and is more flexible with respect to the format of the sample data. A masked dataset can be created just like a normal dataset.
>>> from mvpa.datasets.masked import MaskedDataset
>>> mdata = MaskedDataset(samples=N.random.normal(size=(5,3,4)),
... labels=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> mdata
<Dataset / float64 5 x 12 uniq: 5 chunks 5 labels>
However, unlike Dataset the MaskedDataset class can deal with sample data arrays with more than two dimensions. More precisely it handles arrays of any dimensionality. The only assumption that is made is that the first axis of a sample array separates the sample data points. In the above example we therefore have 5 samples, where each sample is a 3x4 plane.
If we look at the self-description of the created dataset we can see that it doesn’t tell us about 3x4 plane, but simply 12 features. That is because internally the sample array is automatically reshaped into the aforementioned 2d matrix representation of the Dataset class. However, the information about the original dataspace is not lost, but kept inside the mapper used by MaskedDataset. Two useful methods of MaskedDataset make use of the mapper: mapForward() and mapReverse(). The former can be used to transform additional data from dataspace into the feature space and the latter performs the same in the opposite direction.
>>> mdata.mapForward(N.arange(12).reshape(3,4)).shape
>>> mdata.mapReverse(N.array([1]*mdata.nfeatures)).shape
(3, 4)
Especially reverse mapping can be very useful when visualizing classification results and information maps on the original dataspace.
Another feature of mapped datasets is that valid mapping information is maintained even when the feature space changes. When running some feature selection algorithm (see Feature Selection) some features of the original features set will be removed, but after feature selection one will most likely want to know where the selected (or removed) features are in the original dataspace. To make use of the neuro-imaging example again: The most convenient way to access this kind of information would be a map of the selected features that can be overlayed over some anatomical image. This is trivial with PyMVPA, because the mapping is automatically updated upon feature selection.
>>> mdata.mapReverse(N.arange(1,mdata.nfeatures+1))
array([[ 1, 2, 3, 4],
[ 5, 6, 7, 8],
[ 9, 10, 11, 12]])
>>> sdata = mdata.selectFeatures([2,7,9,10])
>>> sdata
<Dataset / float64 5 x 4 uniq: 5 chunks 5 labels>
>>> sdata.mapReverse(N.arange(1,sdata.nfeatures+1))
array([[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 2],
[0, 3, 4, 0]])
The above example selects four features from the set of the 12 original ones, by passing their ids to the selectFeatures() method. The method returns a new dataset only containing the four selected features. Resultant dataset contains a copy of the corresponding features of the original dataset. All other information like class labels and chunks are maintained. By calling mapReverse() on the new dataset one can see that the remaining four features are precisely mapped back onto their original locations in the data space.
Complementary to self-descriptive attribute names (e.g. labels, samples) datasets have a few concise shortcuts to get quick access to some attributes or perform some common action
Attribute | Abbreviation | Definition class |
samples | S | Dataset |
labels | L | Dataset |
uniquelabels | UL | Dataset |
chunks | C | Dataset |
uniquechunks | UC | Dataset |
origids | I | Dataset |
samples_original | O | MappedDataset |
The concept of mappers in conjunction with the functionality provided by the Dataset class, makes it very easy to create new dataset types with support for specialized data types and formats. The following is a non-exhaustive list of data formats currently supported by PyMVPA (for additional formats take a look at the subclasses of Dataset):
NumPy arrays
PyMVPA builds its dataset facilities on NumPy arrays. Basically, anything that can be converted into a NumPy array can also be converted into a dataset. Together with the corresponding labels, NumPy arrays can simply be passed to the Dataset constructor to create a dataset. With arrays it is possible to use the classes Dataset, MappedDataset (to combine the samples with any custom mapping algorithm) or MaskedDataset (readily provides a DenseArrayMapper).
Plain text
Using the NumPy function fromfile() a variety of text file formats (e.g. CSV) can be read and converted into NumPy arrays.
NIfTI/Analyze images
PyMVPA provides a specialized dataset for MRI data in the NIfTI format. NiftiDataset uses PyNIfTI to read the data and automatically configures an appropriate DenseArrayMapper with metric information read from the NIfTI file header.
EEP binary files
Another special dataset type is EEPDataset. It reads data from binary EEP file (written by eeprobe)
In many cases some algorithm should not run on a complete dataset, but just some parts of it. One well-known example is leave-one-out cross-validation, where a dataset is typically split into a number of training and validation datasets. A classifier is trained on the training set and its generalization performance is tested using the validation set.
It is important to strictly separate training and validation datasets as otherwise no valid statement can be made whether a classifier really generated an appropriate model of the training data. Violating this requirement spuriously elevates the classification performance, often termed ‘peeking’ in the literature. However, they provide no relevant information because they are based on cheating or peeking and do not describe signal similarities between training and validation datasets.
With the splitter classes derived from the base Splitter, PyMVPA makes dataset splitting easy. All dataset splitters in PyMVPA are implemented as Python generators, meaning that when called with a dataset once, they return one dataset split per iteration and an appropriate Exception when they are done. This is exactly the same behavior as of e.g. the Python xrange() function.
To perform data splitting for the already mentioned cross-validation, PyMVPA provides the NFoldSplitter class. It implements a method to generate arbitrary N-M splits, where N is the number of different chunks in a dataset and M is any non-negative integer smaller than N. Doing a leave-one-out split of our example dataset looks like this:
>>> from mvpa.datasets.splitters import NFoldSplitter
>>> splitter = NFoldSplitter(cvtype=1) # Do N-1
>>> for wdata, vdata in splitter(data):
... pass
where wdata is the working dataset and vdata is the validation dataset. If we have a look a those datasets we can see that the splitter did what we intended:
>>> split = [ i for i in splitter(data)][0]
>>> for s in split:
... print s
Dataset / float64 9 x 5 uniq: 1 labels 9 chunks
Dataset / float64 1 x 5 uniq: 1 labels 1 chunks
>>> split[0].uniquechunks
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
>>> split[1].uniquechunks
In the first split, the working dataset contains nine chunks of the original dataset and the validation set contains the remaining chunk.
Behavior of the splitters can be heavily customized by additional arguments to the constructor (see Splitter for extended help on the arguments). For instance, in the analysis in fMRI data it might be important to assure that samples in the training and testing parts of the split are not neighboring samples (unless it is otherwise assured by the presence of baseline condition on the boundaries between chunks, samples of which are discarded prior the statistical learning analysis). Providing argument discard_boundary=1 to the splitter, would remove from both training and testing parts a single sample, which lie on the boundary between chunks. Providing discard_boundary=(2,0) would remove 2 samples only from training part of the split (which is desired strategy for NFoldSplitter where training part contains majority of the data).
The usage of the splitter, creating a splitter object and calling it with a dataset, is a very common design pattern in the PyMVPA package. Like splitters, there are many more so called processing objects. These classes or objects are instantiated by passing all relevant parameters to the constructor. Processing objects can then be called multiple times with different datasets to perform their algorithm on the respective dataset. This design applies to the majority of the algorithms implemented in PyMVPA.