Package mvpa :: Package tests :: Module test_transerror
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Source Code for Module mvpa.tests.test_transerror

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  5  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
  6  #   copyright and license terms. 
  7  # 
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  9  """Unit tests for PyMVPA classifier cross-validation""" 
 11  import unittest 
 12  from import copy 
 14  from mvpa.base import externals 
 15  from mvpa.datasets import Dataset 
 16  from mvpa.datasets.splitters import OddEvenSplitter 
 18  from mvpa.clfs.meta import MulticlassClassifier 
 19  from mvpa.clfs.transerror import \ 
 20       TransferError, ConfusionMatrix, ConfusionBasedError 
 21  from mvpa.algorithms.cvtranserror import CrossValidatedTransferError 
 23  from mvpa.clfs.stats import MCNullDist 
 25  from mvpa.misc.exceptions import UnknownStateError 
 27  from tests_warehouse import datasets, sweepargs 
 28  from tests_warehouse_clfs import * 
29 30 -class ErrorsTests(unittest.TestCase):
32 - def testConfusionMatrix(self):
33 data = N.array([1,2,1,2,2,2,3,2,1], ndmin=2).T 34 reg = [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3] 35 regl = [1,2,1,2,2,2,3,2,1] 36 correct_cm = [[2,0,1],[1,3,1],[0,0,1]] 37 # Check if we are ok with any input type - either list, or N.array, or tuple 38 for t in [reg, tuple(reg), list(reg), N.array(reg)]: 39 for p in [regl, tuple(regl), list(regl), N.array(regl)]: 40 cm = ConfusionMatrix(targets=t, predictions=p) 41 # check table content 42 self.failUnless((cm.matrix == correct_cm).all()) 43 44 45 # Do a bit more thorough checking 46 cm = ConfusionMatrix() 47 self.failUnlessRaises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda x:x.percentCorrect, cm) 48 """No samples -- raise exception""" 49 50 cm.add(reg, regl) 51 52 self.failUnlessEqual(len(cm.sets), 1, 53 msg="Should have a single set so far") 54 self.failUnlessEqual(cm.matrix.shape, (3,3), 55 msg="should be square matrix (len(reglabels) x len(reglabels)") 56 57 self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, cm.add, reg, N.array([1])) 58 """ConfusionMatrix must complaint if number of samples different""" 59 60 # check table content 61 self.failUnless((cm.matrix == correct_cm).all()) 62 63 # lets add with new labels (not yet known) 64 cm.add(reg, N.array([1,4,1,2,2,2,4,2,1])) 65 66 self.failUnlessEqual(cm.labels, [1,2,3,4], 67 msg="We should have gotten 4th label") 68 69 matrices = cm.matrices # separate CM per each given set 70 self.failUnlessEqual(len(matrices), 2, 71 msg="Have gotten two splits") 72 73 self.failUnless((matrices[0].matrix + matrices[1].matrix == cm.matrix).all(), 74 msg="Total votes should match the sum across split CMs") 75 76 # check pretty print 77 # just a silly test to make sure that printing works 78 self.failUnless(len(cm.asstring( 79 header=True, summary=True, 80 description=True))>100) 81 self.failUnless(len(str(cm))>100) 82 # and that it knows some parameters for printing 83 self.failUnless(len(cm.asstring(summary=True, 84 header=False))>100) 85 86 # lets check iadd -- just itself to itself 87 cm += cm 88 self.failUnlessEqual(len(cm.matrices), 4, msg="Must be 4 sets now") 89 90 # lets check add -- just itself to itself 91 cm2 = cm + cm 92 self.failUnlessEqual(len(cm2.matrices), 8, msg="Must be 8 sets now") 93 self.failUnlessEqual(cm2.percentCorrect, cm.percentCorrect, 94 msg="Percent of corrrect should remain the same ;-)") 95 96 self.failUnlessEqual(cm2.error, 1.0-cm.percentCorrect/100.0, 97 msg="Test if we get proper error value")
98 99
100 - def testDegenerateConfusion(self):
101 # We must not just puke -- some testing splits might 102 # have just a single target label 103 104 for orig in ([1], [1, 1], [0], [0, 0]): 105 cm = ConfusionMatrix(targets=orig, predictions=orig, values=orig) 106 107 scm = str(cm) 108 self.failUnless(cm.stats['ACC%'] == 100)
109 110
111 - def testConfusionMatrixACC(self):
112 reg = [0,0,1,1] 113 regl = [1,0,1,0] 114 cm = ConfusionMatrix(targets=reg, predictions=regl) 115 self.failUnless('ACC% 50' in str(cm))
116 117
119 data = N.array([1,2,1,2,2,2,3,2,1], ndmin=2).T 120 reg = [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3] 121 regl = [1,2,1,2,2,2,3,2,1] 122 correct_cm = [[2,0,1], [1,3,1], [0,0,1]] 123 lm = {'apple':1, 'orange':2, 'shitty apple':1, 'candy':3} 124 cm = ConfusionMatrix(targets=reg, predictions=regl, 125 labels_map=lm) 126 # check table content 127 self.failUnless((cm.matrix == correct_cm).all()) 128 # assure that all labels are somewhere listed ;-) 129 s = str(cm) 130 for l in lm.keys(): 131 self.failUnless(l in s)
132 133 134 135 @sweepargs(l_clf=clfswh['linear', 'svm'])
136 - def testConfusionBasedError(self, l_clf):
137 train = datasets['uni2medium_train'] 138 # to check if we fail to classify for 3 labels 139 test3 = datasets['uni3medium_train'] 140 err = ConfusionBasedError(clf=l_clf) 141 terr = TransferError(clf=l_clf) 142 143 self.failUnlessRaises(UnknownStateError, err, None) 144 """Shouldn't be able to access the state yet""" 145 146 l_clf.train(train) 147 e, te = err(None), terr(train) 148 self.failUnless(abs(e-te) < 1e-10, 149 msg="ConfusionBasedError (%.2g) should be equal to TransferError " 150 "(%.2g) on traindataset" % (e, te)) 151 152 # this will print nasty WARNING but it is ok -- it is just checking code 153 # NB warnings are not printed while doing whole testing 154 self.failIf(terr(test3) is None) 155 156 # try copying the beast 157 terr_copy = copy(terr)
158 159 160 @sweepargs(l_clf=clfswh['linear', 'svm'])
161 - def testNullDistProb(self, l_clf):
162 train = datasets['uni2medium'] 163 164 num_perm = 10 165 # define class to estimate NULL distribution of errors 166 # use left tail of the distribution since we use MeanMatchFx as error 167 # function and lower is better 168 terr = TransferError( 169 clf=l_clf, 170 null_dist=MCNullDist(permutations=num_perm, 171 tail='left')) 172 173 # check reasonable error range 174 err = terr(train, train) 175 self.failUnless(err < 0.4) 176 177 # Lets do the same for CVTE 178 cvte = CrossValidatedTransferError( 179 TransferError(clf=l_clf), 180 OddEvenSplitter(), 181 null_dist=MCNullDist(permutations=num_perm, 182 tail='left', 183 enable_states=['dist_samples'])) 184 cv_err = cvte(train) 185 186 # check that the result is highly significant since we know that the 187 # data has signal 188 null_prob = terr.states.null_prob 189 if cfg.getboolean('tests', 'labile', default='yes'): 190 self.failUnless(null_prob <= 0.1, 191 msg="Failed to check that the result is highly significant " 192 "(got %f) since we know that the data has signal" 193 % null_prob) 194 195 self.failUnless(cvte.states.null_prob <= 0.1, 196 msg="Failed to check that the result is highly significant " 197 "(got p(cvte)=%f) since we know that the data has signal" 198 % cvte.states.null_prob) 199 200 # and we should be able to access the actual samples of the distribution 201 self.failUnlessEqual(len(cvte.null_dist.states.dist_samples), 202 num_perm)
203 204 205 @sweepargs(l_clf=clfswh['linear', 'svm'])
206 - def testPerSampleError(self, l_clf):
207 train = datasets['uni2medium'] 208 terr = TransferError(clf=l_clf, enable_states=['samples_error']) 209 err = terr(train, train) 210 se = terr.samples_error 211 212 # one error per sample 213 self.failUnless(len(se) == train.nsamples) 214 # for this simple test it can only be correct or misclassified 215 # (boolean) 216 self.failUnless( 217 N.sum(N.array(se.values(), dtype='float') \ 218 - N.array(se.values(), dtype='b')) == 0)
219 220 221 @sweepargs(clf=clfswh['multiclass'])
222 - def testAUC(self, clf):
223 """Test AUC computation 224 """ 225 if isinstance(clf, MulticlassClassifier): 226 # TODO: handle those values correctly 227 return 228 clf.states._changeTemporarily(enable_states = ['values']) 229 # uni2 dataset with reordered labels 230 ds2 = datasets['uni2small'].copy() 231 ds2.labels = 1 - ds2.labels # revert labels 232 # same with uni3 233 ds3 = datasets['uni3small'].copy() 234 ul = ds3.uniquelabels 235 nl = ds3.labels.copy() 236 for l in xrange(3): 237 nl[ds3.labels == ul[l]] = ul[(l+1)%3] 238 ds3.labels = nl 239 for ds in [datasets['uni2small'], ds2, 240 datasets['uni3small'], ds3]: 241 cv = CrossValidatedTransferError( 242 TransferError(clf), 243 OddEvenSplitter(), 244 enable_states=['confusion', 'training_confusion']) 245 cverror = cv(ds) 246 stats = cv.confusion.stats 247 Nlabels = len(ds.uniquelabels) 248 # so we at least do slightly above chance 249 self.failUnless(stats['ACC'] > 1.2 / Nlabels) 250 auc = stats['AUC'] 251 if (Nlabels == 2) or (Nlabels > 2 and auc[0] is not N.nan): 252 mauc = N.min(stats['AUC']) 253 if cfg.getboolean('tests', 'labile', default='yes'): 254 self.failUnless(mauc > 0.55, 255 msg='All AUCs must be above chance. Got minimal ' 256 'AUC=%.2g among %s' % (mauc, stats['AUC'])) 257 clf.states._resetEnabledTemporarily()
258 259 260 261
262 - def testConfusionPlot(self):
263 """Based on existing cell dataset results. 264 265 Let in for possible future testing, but is not a part of the 266 unittests suite 267 """ 268 #from matplotlib import rc as rcmpl 269 #rcmpl('font',**{'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['DejaVu Sans']}) 270 ##rcmpl('text', usetex=True) 271 ##rcmpl('font', family='sans', style='normal', variant='normal', 272 ## weight='bold', stretch='normal', size='large') 273 #import numpy as N 274 #from mvpa.clfs.transerror import \ 275 # TransferError, ConfusionMatrix, ConfusionBasedError 276 277 array = N.array 278 uint8 = N.uint8 279 sets = [ 280 (array([47, 39, 38, 43, 45, 41, 44, 40, 46, 42, 47, 39, 38, 43, 45, 41, 44, 281 40, 46, 42, 47, 39, 38, 43, 45, 41, 44, 40, 46, 42, 47, 39, 38, 43, 282 45, 41, 44, 40, 46, 42, 47, 39, 38, 43, 45, 41, 44, 40, 46, 42, 47, 283 39, 38, 43, 45, 41, 44, 40, 46, 42, 47, 39, 38, 43, 45, 41, 44, 40, 284 46, 42, 47, 39, 38, 43, 45, 41, 44, 40, 46, 42, 47, 39, 38, 43, 45, 285 41, 44, 40, 46, 42, 47, 39, 38, 43, 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46, 42, 40, 44, 38, 43, 41, 41, 44, 479 39, 46, 42, 39, 39, 39, 43, 45, 41, 44, 40, 43, 42, 47, 39, 39, 43, 480 45, 41, 44, 40, 47, 42, 38, 46, 39, 47, 45, 41, 44, 39, 46, 42, 47, 481 41, 38, 43, 45, 41, 44, 42, 46, 42, 46, 39, 38, 43, 45, 41, 44, 41, 482 46, 42, 46, 39, 38, 43, 45, 41, 44, 40, 46, 42, 38, 38, 38, 43, 45, 483 41, 44, 38, 46, 42, 39, 40, 43, 43, 45, 41, 44, 39, 38, 40, 40, 38, 484 38, 43, 45, 41, 44, 41, 40, 42, 39, 39, 39, 43, 45, 41, 44, 40, 46, 485 42, 47, 40, 40, 43, 45, 41, 44, 40, 46, 42, 41, 39, 39, 43, 45, 41, 486 44, 40, 38, 42, 40, 39, 46, 43, 45, 41, 44, 47, 46, 42, 47, 39, 38, 487 43, 45, 41, 44, 41, 46, 42, 43, 39, 39, 43, 45], dtype=uint8))] 488 labels_map = {'12kHz': 40, 489 '20kHz': 41, 490 '30kHz': 42, 491 '3kHz': 38, 492 '7kHz': 39, 493 'song1': 43, 494 'song2': 44, 495 'song3': 45, 496 'song4': 46, 497 'song5': 47} 498 try: 499 cm = ConfusionMatrix(sets=sets, labels_map=labels_map) 500 except: 501 502 self.failUnless('3kHz / 38' in cm.asstring()) 503 504 if externals.exists("pylab plottable"): 505 import pylab as P 506 P.figure() 507 labels_order = ("3kHz", "7kHz", "12kHz", "20kHz","30kHz", None, 508 "song1","song2","song3","song4","song5") 509 #print cm 510 #fig, im, cb = cm.plot(origin='lower', labels=labels_order) 511 fig, im, cb = cm.plot(labels=labels_order[1:2] + labels_order[:1] 512 + labels_order[2:], numbers=True) 513 self.failUnless(cm._plotted_confusionmatrix[0,0] == cm.matrix[1,1]) 514 self.failUnless(cm._plotted_confusionmatrix[0,1] == cm.matrix[1,0]) 515 self.failUnless(cm._plotted_confusionmatrix[1,1] == cm.matrix[0,0]) 516 self.failUnless(cm._plotted_confusionmatrix[1,0] == cm.matrix[0,1]) 517 P.close(fig) 518 fig, im, cb = cm.plot(labels=labels_order, numbers=True) 519 P.close(fig)
520 # 521
522 - def testConfusionPlot2(self):
523 """Based on a sample confusion which plots incorrectly 524 525 """ 526 527 array = N.array 528 uint8 = N.uint8 529 sets = [(array([1, 2]), array([1, 1]), 530 array([[ 0.54343765, 0.45656235], 531 [ 0.92395853, 0.07604147]])), 532 (array([1, 2]), array([1, 1]), 533 array([[ 0.98030832, 0.01969168], 534 [ 0.78998763, 0.21001237]])), 535 (array([1, 2]), array([1, 1]), 536 array([[ 0.86125263, 0.13874737], 537 [ 0.83674113, 0.16325887]])), 538 (array([1, 2]), array([1, 1]), 539 array([[ 0.57870383, 0.42129617], 540 [ 0.59702509, 0.40297491]])), 541 (array([1, 2]), array([1, 1]), 542 array([[ 0.89530255, 0.10469745], 543 [ 0.69373919, 0.30626081]])), 544 (array([1, 2]), array([1, 1]), 545 array([[ 0.75015218, 0.24984782], 546 [ 0.9339767 , 0.0660233 ]])), 547 (array([1, 2]), array([1, 2]), 548 array([[ 0.97826616, 0.02173384], 549 [ 0.38620638, 0.61379362]])), 550 (array([2]), array([2]), 551 array([[ 0.46893776, 0.53106224]]))] 552 try: 553 cm = ConfusionMatrix(sets=sets) 554 except: 555 556 if externals.exists("pylab plottable"): 557 import pylab as P 558 #P.figure() 559 #print cm 560 fig, im, cb = cm.plot(origin='lower', numbers=True) 561 #P.plot() 562 self.failUnless((cm._plotted_confusionmatrix == cm.matrix).all()) 563 P.close(fig)
564 #fig, im, cb = cm.plot(labels=labels_order, numbers=True)
565 #P.close(fig) 566 567 568 569 -def suite():
570 return unittest.makeSuite(ErrorsTests)
571 572 573 if __name__ == '__main__': 574 import runner 575