Package mvpa :: Package tests
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Package tests

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Unit test interface for PyMVPA
Submodules [hide private]

Functions [hide private]
Runs over all tests it knows and composes a dictionary with test suite instances as values and IDs as keys.
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run(limit=None, verbosity=None)
Runs the full or a subset of the PyMVPA unittest suite.
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Imports: unittest, np, _random_seed, cfg, externals, warning

Function Details [hide private]


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Runs over all tests it knows and composes a dictionary with test suite
instances as values and IDs as keys. IDs are the filenames of the unittest
without '.py' extension and 'test_' prefix.

During collection this function will run a full and verbose test for all
known externals.

run(limit=None, verbosity=None)

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Runs the full or a subset of the PyMVPA unittest suite.
  • limit, None, |, list - If None, the full test suite is run. Alternatively, a list with test IDs can be provides. IDs are the base filenames of the test implementation, e.g. the ID for the suite in 'mvpa/tests/' is 'niftidataset'.
  • verbosity, None, |, int - Verbosity of unittests execution. If None, controlled by PyMVPA configuration tests/verbosity. Values higher than 2 enable all Python, NumPy and PyMVPA warnings