Package mvpa :: Package tests :: Module test_report
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Source Code for Module mvpa.tests.test_report

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  5  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
  6  #   copyright and license terms. 
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  9  """Unit tests for PyMVPA simple report facility""" 
 11  import unittest, os 
 12  from tempfile import mktemp 
 14  from mvpa.base import verbose, externals 
 16  from mvpa.base.report_dummy import Report as DummyReport 
 17  _test_classes = [ DummyReport ] 
 19  from tests_warehouse import sweepargs 
 21  if externals.exists('reportlab', raiseException=False): 
 22      from import Report 
 23      _test_classes += [ Report ] 
 25  if __debug__: 
 26      from mvpa.base import debug 
27 28 -class ReportTest(unittest.TestCase):
29 """Just basic testing of reports -- pretty much that nothing fails 30 """ 31 32 @sweepargs(rc=_test_classes)
33 - def testBasic(self, rc):
34 """Test all available reports, real or dummy for just working 35 """ 36 dirname = mktemp('mvpa', 'test_report') 37 report = rc('UnitTest report', 38 title="Sample report for testing", 39 path=dirname) 40 isdummy = isinstance(report, DummyReport) 41 42 ohandlers = verbose.handlers 43 verbose.handlers = [report] 44 verbose.level = 3 45 verbose(1, "Starting") 46 verbose(2, "Level 2") 47 48 if not isdummy: 49 self.failUnless(len(report._story) == 2, 50 msg="We should have got some lines from verbose") 51 52 if __debug__: 53 odhandlers = debug.handlers 54 debug.handlers = [report] 55 oactive = 56 = ['TEST'] + 57 debug('TEST', "Testing report as handler for debug") 58 if not isdummy: 59 self.failUnless(len(report._story) == 4, 60 msg="We should have got some lines from debug") 61 = oactive 62 debug.handlers = odhandlers 63 64 os.makedirs(dirname) 65 66 if externals.exists('pylab plottable'): 67 if not isdummy: 68 clen = len(report._story) 69 import pylab as P 70 P.ioff() 71 P.close('all') 72 P.figure() 73 P.plot([1, 2], [3, 2]) 74 75 P.figure() 76 P.plot([2, 10], [3, 2]) 77 P.title("Figure 2 must be it") 78 report.figures() 79 80 if not isdummy: 81 self.failUnless( 82 len(report._story) == clen+2, 83 msg="We should have got some lines from figures") 84 85 report.text("Dugi bugi") 86 # make sure we don't puke on xml like text with crap 87 report.text("<kaj>$lkj&*()^$%#%</kaj>") 88 report.text("locals:\n%s globals:\n%s" % (`locals()`, `globals()`)) 89 # bloody XML - just to check that there is no puke 90 report.xml("<b>Dugi bugi</b>") 91 92 93 if externals.exists('pylab'): 94 import pylab as P 95 P.close('all') 96 P.ion() 97 98 # cleanup 99 if os.path.exists(dirname): 100 # poor man recursive remove 101 for f in os.listdir(dirname): 102 try: 103 os.remove(os.path.join(dirname, f)) 104 except: 105 # could be a directory... but no deeper ones expected 106 for f2 in os.listdir(os.path.join(dirname, f)): 107 os.remove(os.path.join(dirname, f, f2)) 108 os.rmdir(os.path.join(dirname, f)) 109 os.rmdir(dirname) 110 verbose.handlers = ohandlers
112 113 -def suite():
114 return unittest.makeSuite(ReportTest)
115 116 117 if __name__ == '__main__': 118 import runner 119