Package mvpa :: Package tests :: Module test_args
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Source Code for Module mvpa.tests.test_args

 1  # emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- 
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 4  # 
 5  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
 6  #   copyright and license terms. 
 7  # 
 8  ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ## 
 9  """Unit tests for PyMVPA args helpers""" 
11  import unittest 
12  from mvpa.misc.args import * 
14  if __debug__: 
15      from mvpa.base import debug 
16 17 -class ArgsHelpersTest(unittest.TestCase):
19 - def testBasic(self):
20 """Test if we are not missing basic parts""" 21 kwargs = {'a':1, 'slave_a':3, 'slave_z':4, 'slave_slave_z':5, 'c':3} 22 23 res = split_kwargs(kwargs, ['slave_']) 24 self.failUnless(res.has_key('slave_') and res.has_key('')) 25 self.failUnless(res['slave_'] == {'a':3, 'z':4, 'slave_z':5}) 26 self.failUnless(res[''] == {'a':1, 'c':3}) 27 28 res = split_kwargs(kwargs) 29 self.failUnless(res.keys() == ['']) 30 self.failUnless(res[''] == kwargs)
31 32
33 - def testDecorator(self):
34 """Test the group_kwargs decorator""" 35 36 selftop = self 37 38 class C1(object): 39 40 @group_kwargs(prefixes=['slave_'], assign=True) 41 def __init__(self, **kwargs): 42 selftop.failUnless(hasattr(self, '_slave_kwargs')) 43 self.method_passedempty() 44 self.method_passed(1, custom_p1=144, bugax=1) 45 self.method_filtered(1, custom_p1=123)
46 47 @group_kwargs(prefixes=['custom_'], passthrough=True) 48 def method_passedempty(self, **kwargs): 49 # we must have it even though it is empty 50 selftop.failUnless('custom_kwargs' in kwargs)
51 52 @group_kwargs(prefixes=['custom_', 'buga'], passthrough=True) 53 def method_passed(self, a, custom_kwargs, bugakwargs, **kwargs): 54 # we must have it even though it is empty 55 selftop.failUnless(custom_kwargs == {'p1':144}) 56 selftop.failUnless(bugakwargs == {'x':1}) 57 selftop.failUnless(not hasattr(self, '_custom_kwargs')) 58 59 @group_kwargs(prefixes=['custom_']) 60 def method_filtered(self, a, **kwargs): 61 # we must have it even though it is empty 62 selftop.failUnlessEqual(a, 1) 63 selftop.failUnless(not 'custom_kwargs' in kwargs) 64 65 def method(self): 66 return 123 67 68 @group_kwargs(prefixes=['xxx']) 69 def method_decorated(self): 70 return 124 71 72 c1 = C1(slave_p1=1, p1=2) 73 self.failUnless(c1.method() == 123) 74 self.failUnless(c1.method_decorated() == 124) 75
76 77 -def suite():
78 return unittest.makeSuite(ArgsHelpersTest)
79 80 81 if __name__ == '__main__': 82 import runner 83