| source code
Make a line plot with errorbars on the data points.
- Parameters:
data , sequence , of , sequences - First axis separates samples and second axis will appear as
x-axis in the plot.
x , sequence - Value to be used as 'x-values' corresponding to the elements of
the 2nd axis id data . If None , a sequence of ascending integers
will be generated.
errtype , 'ste' , | , 'std' -
- Type of error value to be computed per datapoint.
- 'ste': standard error of the mean
'std': standard deviation
curves , None , | , list , of , tuple(x , y) - Each tuple represents an additional curve, with x and y coordinates of
each point on the curve.
linestyle , str - matplotlib linestyle argument. Applied to either the additional
curve or a the line connecting the datapoints. Set to 'None' to
disable the line completely.
fmt , str - matplotlib plot style argument to be applied to the data points
and errorbars.
perc_sigchg , bool - If True the plot will show percent signal changes relative to a
baseline , float , | , None - Baseline used for converting values into percent signal changes.
If None and perc_sigchg is True , the absolute of the mean of the
first feature (i.e. [:,0]) will be used as a baseline.