Package mvpa :: Package clfs :: Module distance
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Module distance

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Distance functions to be used in kernels and elsewhere
Functions [hide private]
cartesianDistance(a, b)
Return Cartesian distance between a and b
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absminDistance(a, b)
Returns dinstance max(|a-b|) XXX There must be better name! XXX Actually, why is it absmin not absmax?
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manhattenDistance(a, b)
Return Manhatten distance between a and b
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mahalanobisDistance(x, y=None, w=None)
Calculate Mahalanobis distance of the pairs of points.
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squared_euclidean_distance(data1, data2=None, weight=None)
Compute weighted euclidean distance matrix between two datasets.
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oneMinusCorrelation(X, Y)
Return one minus the correlation matrix between the rows of two matrices.
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pnorm_w_python(data1, data2=None, weight=None, p=2, heuristic='auto', use_sq_euclidean=True)
Weighted p-norm between two datasets (pure Python implementation)
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pnorm_w(data1, data2=None, weight=None, p=2, heuristic='auto', use_sq_euclidean=True)
Weighted p-norm between two datasets (pure Python implementation)
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Imports: N, externals, debug, warning, weave, converters

Function Details [hide private]

absminDistance(a, b)

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Returns dinstance max(|a-b|) XXX There must be better name! XXX Actually, why is it absmin not absmax?

Useful to select a whole cube of a given "radius"

mahalanobisDistance(x, y=None, w=None)

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Calculate Mahalanobis distance of the pairs of points.

Inverse covariance matrix can be calculated with the following

w = N.linalg.solve(N.cov(x.T), N.identity(x.shape[1]))


w = N.linalg.inv(N.cov(x.T))
  • x - first list of points. Rows are samples, columns are features.
  • y - second list of points (optional)
  • w (N.ndarray) - optional inverse covariance matrix between the points. It is computed if not given

squared_euclidean_distance(data1, data2=None, weight=None)

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Compute weighted euclidean distance matrix between two datasets.
  • data1 (N.ndarray) - first dataset
  • data2 (N.ndarray) - second dataset. If None, compute the euclidean distance between the first dataset versus itself. (Defaults to None)
  • weight (N.ndarray) - vector of weights, each one associated to each dimension of the dataset (Defaults to None)

oneMinusCorrelation(X, Y)

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Return one minus the correlation matrix between the rows of two matrices.

This functions computes a matrix of correlations between all pairs of rows of two matrices. Unlike NumPy's corrcoef() this function will only considers pairs across matrices and not within, e.g. both elements of a pair never have the same source matrix as origin.

Both arrays need to have the same number of columns.


>>> X = N.random.rand(20,80)
>>> Y = N.random.rand(5,80)
>>> C = oneMinusCorrelation(X, Y)
>>> print C.shape
(20, 5)

Parameters: X: 2D-array Y: 2D-array

pnorm_w_python(data1, data2=None, weight=None, p=2, heuristic='auto', use_sq_euclidean=True)

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Weighted p-norm between two datasets (pure Python implementation)

||x - x'||_w = (sum_{i=1...N} (w_i*|x_i - x'_i|)**p)**(1/p)

  • data1 (N.ndarray) - First dataset
  • data2 (N.ndarray or None) - Optional second dataset
  • weight (N.ndarray or None) - Optional weights per 2nd dimension (features)
  • p - Power
  • heuristic (basestring) -
    Which heuristic to use:
    • 'samples' -- python sweep over 0th dim
    • 'features' -- python sweep over 1st dim
    • 'auto' decides automatically. If # of features (shape[1]) is much larger than # of samples (shape[0]) -- use 'samples', and use 'features' otherwise
  • use_sq_euclidean (bool) - Either to use squared_euclidean_distance_matrix for computation if p==2

pnorm_w(data1, data2=None, weight=None, p=2, heuristic='auto', use_sq_euclidean=True)

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Weighted p-norm between two datasets (pure Python implementation)

||x - x'||_w = (sum_{i=1...N} (w_i*|x_i - x'_i|)**p)**(1/p)

  • data1 (N.ndarray) - First dataset
  • data2 (N.ndarray or None) - Optional second dataset
  • weight (N.ndarray or None) - Optional weights per 2nd dimension (features)
  • p - Power
  • heuristic (basestring) -
    Which heuristic to use:
    • 'samples' -- python sweep over 0th dim

    • 'features' -- python sweep over 1st dim

    • 'auto' decides automatically. If # of features (shape[1]) is much larger than # of samples (shape[0]) -- use 'samples', and use 'features' otherwise

  • use_sq_euclidean (bool) - Either to use squared_euclidean_distance_matrix for computation if p==2