Package mvpa :: Package clfs :: Module meta :: Class CombinedClassifier
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Class CombinedClassifier

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BoostedClassifier which combines predictions using some PredictionsCombiner functor.
Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: __metaclass__

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, clfs=None, combiner=None, **kwargs)
Initialize the instance.
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__repr__(self, prefixes=[])
Literal representation of CombinedClassifier.
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Provide summary for the CombinedClassifier.
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Untrain CombinedClassifier
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_train(self, dataset)
Train CombinedClassifier
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_predict(self, data)
Predict using CombinedClassifier
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Inherited from BoostedClassifier: getSensitivityAnalyzer

Inherited from base.Classifier: __str__, clone, isTrained, predict, repredict, retrain, train, trained

Inherited from base.Classifier (private): _postpredict, _prepredict, _pretrain, _regressionIsBogus, _setRetrainable

Inherited from misc.state.Harvestable (private): _harvest, _setAttribs

Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: __getattribute__, __new__, __setattr__, reset

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  combiner = property(fget= lambda x: x.__combiner, doc= "Used c...

Inherited from BoostedClassifier: clfs, raw_predictions, raw_values

Inherited from base.Classifier: _DEV__doc__, feature_ids, predicting_time, predictions, regression, retrainable, trained_dataset, trained_labels, trained_nsamples, training_confusion, training_time, values

Inherited from base.Classifier (private): _clf_internals

Inherited from misc.state.Harvestable: harvest_attribs, harvested

Inherited from misc.state.Harvestable (private): _KNOWN_COPY_METHODS

Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: descr

Instance Variables [hide private]
Functor destined to combine results of multiple classifiers
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, clfs=None, combiner=None, **kwargs)

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Initialize the instance.

NB: combiner might need to operate not on 'predictions' descrete
labels but rather on raw 'class' values classifiers estimate (which is pretty much what is stored under values
  • clfs (list of Classifier) - list of classifier instances to use
  • combiner (PredictionsCombiner) - callable which takes care about combining multiple results into a single one (e.g. maximal vote for classification, MeanPrediction for regression))
  • kwargs (dict) - dict of keyworded arguments which might get used by State or Classifier
Overrides: object.__init__

__repr__(self, prefixes=[])
(Representation operator)

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Literal representation of CombinedClassifier.
  • fullname - Either to include full name of the module
  • prefixes - What other prefixes to prepend to list of arguments
Overrides: object.__repr__


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Provide summary for the CombinedClassifier.
Overrides: base.Classifier.summary


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Untrain CombinedClassifier
Overrides: base.Classifier.untrain

_train(self, dataset)

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Train CombinedClassifier
Overrides: base.Classifier._train

_predict(self, data)

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Predict using CombinedClassifier
Overrides: base.Classifier._predict

Class Variable Details [hide private]


property(fget= lambda x: x.__combiner, doc= "Used combiner to derive a\
 single result")