Package mvpa :: Package clfs :: Module base :: Class Classifier
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Class Classifier

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Abstract classifier class to be inherited by all classifiers
Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: __metaclass__

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, **kwargs)
Cheap initialization.
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__repr__(self, prefixes=[])
String definition of the object of ClassWithCollections object
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_pretrain(self, dataset)
Functionality prior to training
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_posttrain(self, dataset)
Functionality post training
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Virtual method to return feature_ids used while training
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Providing summary over the classifier
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Create full copy of the classifier.
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_train(self, dataset)
Function to be actually overridden in derived classes
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train(self, dataset)
Train classifier on a dataset
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_prepredict(self, data)
Functionality prior prediction
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_postpredict(self, data, result)
Functionality after prediction is computed
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_predict(self, data)
Actual prediction
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predict(self, data)
Predict classifier on data
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isTrained(self, dataset=None)
Either classifier was already trained.
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Some classifiers like BinaryClassifier can't be used for regression
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Either classifier was already trained
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Reset trained state
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getSensitivityAnalyzer(self, **kwargs)
Factory method to return an appropriate sensitivity analyzer for the respective classifier.
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_setRetrainable(self, value, force=False)
Assign value of retrainable parameter
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For retrainable classifier we keep track of what was changed This function resets that dictionary
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__wasDataChanged(self, key, entry, update=True)
Check if given entry was changed from what known prior.
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retrain(self, dataset, **kwargs)
Helper to avoid check if data was changed actually changed
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repredict(self, data, **kwargs)
Helper to avoid check if data was changed actually changed
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Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: __getattribute__, __new__, __setattr__, reset

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  _DEV__doc__ = ...
  trained_labels = StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Set of uni...
  trained_nsamples = StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Number o...
  trained_dataset = StateVariable(enabled= False, doc= "The data...
  training_confusion = StateVariable(enabled= False, doc= "Confu...
  predictions = StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Most recent s...
  values = StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Internal classifie...
  training_time = StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Time (in se...
  predicting_time = StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Time (in ...
  feature_ids = StateVariable(enabled= False, doc= "Feature IDS ...
  _clf_internals = []
Describes some specifics about the classifier -- is that it is doing regression for instance....
  regression = Parameter(False, allowedtype= 'bool', doc= """Eit...
  retrainable = Parameter(False, allowedtype= 'bool', doc= """Ei...

Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: descr

Instance Variables [hide private]
Stores number of features for which classifier was trained. If None -- it wasn't trained at all
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **kwargs)

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Cheap initialization.
Overrides: object.__init__

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

__repr__(self, prefixes=[])
(Representation operator)

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String definition of the object of ClassWithCollections object
  • fullname - Either to include full name of the module
  • prefixes - What other prefixes to prepend to list of arguments
Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

_posttrain(self, dataset)

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Functionality post training

For instance -- computing confusion matrix
  dataset : Dataset
    Data which was used for training


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Virtual method to return feature_ids used while training

Is not intended to be called anywhere but from _posttrain, thus classifier is assumed to be trained at this point


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Create full copy of the classifier.

It might require classifier to be untrained first due to present SWIG bindings.

TODO: think about proper re-implementation, without enrollment of deepcopy

train(self, dataset)

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Train classifier on a dataset

Shouldn't be overridden in subclasses unless explicitly needed to do so

predict(self, data)

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Predict classifier on data

Shouldn't be overridden in subclasses unless explicitly needed to do so. Also subclasses trying to call super class's predict should call _predict if within _predict instead of predict() since otherwise it would loop

isTrained(self, dataset=None)

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Either classifier was already trained.



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Either classifier was already trained
  • @property

_setRetrainable(self, value, force=False)

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Assign value of retrainable parameter

If retrainable flag is to be changed, classifier has to be untrained. Also internal attributes such as _changedData, __changedData_isset, and __idhashes should be initialized if it becomes retrainable

__wasDataChanged(self, key, entry, update=True)

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Check if given entry was changed from what known prior.

If so -- store only the ones needed for retrainable beastie

retrain(self, dataset, **kwargs)

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Helper to avoid check if data was changed actually changed

Useful if just some aspects of classifier were changed since its previous training. For instance if dataset wasn't changed but only classifier parameters, then kernel matrix does not have to be computed.

Words of caution: classifier must be previously trained, results always should first be compared to the results on not 'retrainable' classifier (without calling retrain). Some additional checks are enabled if debug id 'CHECK_RETRAIN' is enabled, to guard against obvious mistakes.

  • kwargs - that is what _changedData gets updated with. So, smth like (params=['C'], labels=True) if parameter C and labels got changed

repredict(self, data, **kwargs)

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Helper to avoid check if data was changed actually changed

Useful if classifier was (re)trained but with the same data (so just parameters were changed), so that it could be repredicted easily (on the same data as before) without recomputing for instance train/test kernel matrix. Should be used with caution and always compared to the results on not 'retrainable' classifier. Some additional checks are enabled if debug id 'CHECK_RETRAIN' is enabled, to guard against obvious mistakes.

  • data - data which is conventionally given to predict
  • kwargs - that is what _changedData gets updated with. So, smth like (params=['C'], labels=True) if parameter C and labels got changed

Class Variable Details [hide private]


    Required behavior:

    For every classifier is has to be possible to be instantiated with\
    having to specify the training pattern.

    Repeated calls to the train() method with different training data \


StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Set of unique labels it has been tr\
ained on")


StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Number of samples it has been train\
ed on")


StateVariable(enabled= False, doc= "The dataset it has been trained on\


StateVariable(enabled= False, doc= "Confusion matrix of learning perfo\


StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Most recent set of predictions")


StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Internal classifier values the most\
 recent "+ "predictions are based on")


StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Time (in seconds) which took classi\
fier to train")


StateVariable(enabled= True, doc= "Time (in seconds) which took classi\
fier to predict")


StateVariable(enabled= False, doc= "Feature IDS which were used for th\
e actual training.")


Parameter(False, allowedtype= 'bool', doc= """Either to use 'regressio\
n' as regression. By default any
        Classifier-derived class serves as a classifier, so regression
        does binary classification.""", index= 1001)


Parameter(False, allowedtype= 'bool', doc= """Either to enable retrain\
ing for 'retrainable' classifier.""", index= 1002)