Package mvpa :: Package clfs :: Module gnb :: Class GNB
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Class GNB

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Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier.

GNB is a probabilistic classifier relying on Bayes rule to estimate posterior probabilities of labels given the data. Naive assumption in it is an independence of the features, which allows to combine per-feature likelihoods by a simple product across likelihoods of"independent" features. See for more information.

Provided here implementation is "naive" on its own -- various aspects could be improved, but has its own advantages:

GNB is listed both as linear and non-linear classifier, since specifics of separating boundary depends on the data and/or parameters: linear separation is achieved whenever samples are balanced (or prior='uniform') and features have the same variance across different classes (i.e. if common_variance=True to enforce this).

Whenever decisions are made based on log-probabilities (parameter logprob=True, which is the default), then state variable values if enabled would also contain log-probabilities. Also mention that normalization by the evidence (P(data)) is disabled by default since it has no impact per se on classification decision. You might like set parameter normalize to True if you want to access properly scaled probabilities in values state variable.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: __metaclass__

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, **kwargs)
Initialize an GNB classifier.
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_train(self, dataset)
Train the classifier using dataset (Dataset).
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Untrain classifier and reset all learnt params
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_predict(self, data)
Predict the output for the provided data.
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Inherited from base.Classifier: __repr__, __str__, clone, getSensitivityAnalyzer, isTrained, predict, repredict, retrain, summary, train, trained

Inherited from base.Classifier (private): _getFeatureIds, _postpredict, _posttrain, _prepredict, _pretrain, _regressionIsBogus, _setRetrainable

Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: __getattribute__, __new__, __setattr__, reset

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  _clf_internals = ['gnb', 'linear', 'non-linear', 'binary', 'mu...
Describes some specifics about the classifier -- is that it is doing regression for instance....
  common_variance = Parameter(False, allowedtype= 'bool', doc= "...
  prior = Parameter('laplacian_smoothing', allowedtype= 'basestr...
  logprob = Parameter(True, allowedtype= 'bool', doc= """Operate...
  normalize = Parameter(False, allowedtype= 'bool', doc= """Norm...

Inherited from base.Classifier: _DEV__doc__, feature_ids, predicting_time, predictions, regression, retrainable, trained_dataset, trained_labels, trained_nsamples, training_confusion, training_time, values

Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: descr

Instance Variables [hide private]
Means of features per class
Variances per class, but "vars" is taken ;)
Labels classifier was trained on
Class probabilities
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **kwargs)

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Initialize an GNB classifier.
Overrides: object.__init__

_train(self, dataset)

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Train the classifier using dataset (Dataset).
Overrides: base.Classifier._train


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Untrain classifier and reset all learnt params
Overrides: base.Classifier.untrain

_predict(self, data)

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Predict the output for the provided data.
Overrides: base.Classifier._predict

Class Variable Details [hide private]


Describes some specifics about the classifier -- is that it is doing regression for instance....
['gnb', 'linear', 'non-linear', 'binary', 'multiclass']


Parameter(False, allowedtype= 'bool', doc= """Use the same variance ac\
ross all classes.""")


Parameter('laplacian_smoothing', allowedtype= 'basestring', choices= [\
"laplacian_smoothing", "uniform", "ratio"], doc= """How to compute pri\
or distribution.""")


Parameter(True, allowedtype= 'bool', doc= """Operate on log probabilit\
ies.  Preferable to avoid unneeded
             exponentiation and loose precision.
             If set, logprobs are stored in `values`""")


Parameter(False, allowedtype= 'bool', doc= """Normalize (log)prob by P\
(data).  Requires probabilities thus
             for `logprob` case would require exponentiation of 'logpr\
ob's, thus
             disabled by default since does not impact classification \