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Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Python |
This example extends the minimal Searchlight example to use a dissimilarity matrix-based DatasetMetric to compute Searchlight-center significance. This is based on representational similarity analysis (RSA) as presented in Kriegeskorte et al. (2008).
First import all necessary parts of PyMVPA.
from mvpa.suite import *
Create a small artificial dataset.
# overcomplicated way to generate an example dataset
ds = normalFeatureDataset(perlabel=10, nlabels=2, nchunks=2,
nfeatures=10, nonbogus_features=[3, 7],
dataset = MaskedDataset(samples=ds.samples, labels=ds.labels,
Create a dissimilarity matrix based on the labels of the data points in our test dataset. This will allow us to see if there is a correlation between any given searchlight sphere and the experimental conditions.
# create dissimilarity matrix using the 'confusion' distance
# metric
dsm = DSMatrix(dataset.labels, 'confusion')
Now it only takes three lines for a searchlight analysis.
# setup measure to be computed in each sphere (correlation
# distance between dissimilarity matrix and the dissimilarities
# of a particular searchlight sphere across experimental
# conditions), N.B. in this example between-condition
# dissimilarity is also pearson's r (i.e., correlation distance)
dsmetric = DSMDatasetMeasure(dsm, 'pearson', 'pearson')
# setup searchlight with 5 mm radius and measure configured above
sl = Searchlight(dsmetric, radius=5)
# run searchlight on dataset
sl_map = sl(dataset)
print 'Best performing sphere error:', max(sl_map)
If this analysis is done on a fMRI dataset using NiftiDataset the resulting searchlight map (sl_map) can be mapped back into the original dataspace and viewed as a brain overlay. Another example shows a typical application of this algorithm.
See also
The full source code of this example is included in the PyMVPA source distribution (doc/examples/searchlight_dsm.py).