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Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Python |
The example shows how to run a searchlight analysis on the example fMRI dataset that is shipped with PyMVPA.
As always, we first have to import PyMVPA.
from mvpa.suite import *
As searchlight analyses are usually quite expensive in term of computational ressources, we are going to enable some progress output, to entertain us while we are waiting.
# enable debug output for searchlight call
if __debug__:
debug.active += ["SLC"]
The next section simply loads the example dataset and performs some standard preprocessing steps on it.
# load PyMVPA example dataset
attr = SampleAttributes(os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'attributes.txt'))
dataset = NiftiDataset(samples=os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'bold.nii.gz'),
mask=os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'mask.nii.gz'))
# preprocessing
# do chunkswise linear detrending on dataset
detrend(dataset, perchunk=True, model='linear')
# only use 'rest', 'house' and 'scrambled' samples from dataset
dataset = dataset.selectSamples(
N.array([ l in [0,2,6] for l in dataset.labels],
# zscore dataset relative to baseline ('rest') mean
zscore(dataset, perchunk=True, baselinelabels=[0], targetdtype='float32')
# remove baseline samples from dataset for final analysis
dataset = dataset.selectSamples(N.array([l != 0 for l in dataset.labels],
But now for the interesting part: Next we define the measure that shall be computed for each sphere. Theoretically, this can be anything, but here we choose to compute a full leave-one-out cross-validation using a linear Nu-SVM classifier.
# Run Searchlight
# choose classifier
clf = LinearNuSVMC()
# setup measure to be computed by Searchlight
# cross-validated mean transfer using an N-fold dataset splitter
cv = CrossValidatedTransferError(TransferError(clf),
Finally, we run the searchlight analysis for three different radii, each time computing an error for each sphere. To achieve this, we simply use the Searchlight class, which takes any processing object and a radius as arguments. The processing object has to compute the intended measure, when called with a dataset. The Searchlight object will do nothing more than generating small datasets for each sphere, feeding it to the processing object and storing its result.
After the errors are computed for all spheres, the resulting vector is then mapped back into the original fMRI dataspace and plotted.
# setup plotting
fig = 0
for radius in [1,5,10]:
# tell which one we are doing
print "Running searchlight with radius: %i ..." % (radius)
# setup Searchlight with a custom radius
# radius has to be in the same unit as the nifti file's pixdim
# property.
sl = Searchlight(cv, radius=radius)
# run searchlight on example dataset and retrieve error map
sl_map = sl(dataset)
# map sensitivity map into original dataspace
orig_sl_map = dataset.mapReverse(N.array(sl_map))
masked_orig_sl_map = N.ma.masked_array(orig_sl_map,
mask=orig_sl_map == 0)
# make a new subplot for each classifier
fig += 1
P.title('Radius %i' % radius)
P.clim(0.5, 0.65)
if cfg.getboolean('examples', 'interactive', True):
# show all the cool figures
See also
The full source code of this example is included in the PyMVPA source distribution (doc/examples/searchlight_2d.py).