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Generating Topography plots

This content refers to the previous stable release of PyMVPA. Please visit for the most recent version of PyMVPA and its documentation.

Simple Plotting of Classifier BehaviorΒΆ

This example runs a number of classifiers on a simple 2D dataset and plots the decision surface of each classifier.

First compose some sample data – no PyMVPA involved.

import numpy as N

# set up the labeled data
# two skewed 2-D distributions
num_dat = 200
dist = 4
# Absolute max value allowed. Just to assure proper plots
xyamax = 10
feat_pos=N.random.randn(2, num_dat)
feat_pos[0, :] *= 2.
feat_pos[1, :] *= .5
feat_pos[0, :] += dist
feat_pos = feat_pos.clip(-xyamax, xyamax)
feat_neg=N.random.randn(2, num_dat)
feat_neg[0, :] *= .5
feat_neg[1, :] *= 2.
feat_neg[0, :] -= dist
feat_neg = feat_neg.clip(-xyamax, xyamax)

# set up the testing features
npoints = 101
x1 = N.linspace(-xyamax, xyamax, npoints)
x2 = N.linspace(-xyamax, xyamax, npoints)
x,y = N.meshgrid(x1, x2);
feat_test = N.array((N.ravel(x), N.ravel(y)))

Now load PyMVPA and convert the data into a proper Dataset.

from mvpa.suite import *

# create the pymvpa dataset from the labeled features
patternsPos = Dataset(samples=feat_pos.T, labels=1)
patternsNeg = Dataset(samples=feat_neg.T, labels=0)
ds_lin = patternsPos + patternsNeg

Let’s add another dataset: XOR. This problem is not linear separable and therefore need a non-linear classifier to be solved. The dataset is provided by the PyMVPA dataset warehouse.

# 30 samples per condition, SNR 3
ds_nl = pureMultivariateSignal(30,3)

datasets = {'linear': ds_lin, 'non-linear': ds_nl}

This demo utilizes a number of classifiers. The instantiation of a classifier involves almost no runtime costs, so it is easily possible compile a long list, if necessary.

# set up classifiers to try out
clfs = {'Ridge Regression': RidgeReg(),
        'Linear SVM': LinearNuSVMC(probability=1,
        'RBF SVM': RbfNuSVMC(probability=1,
        'SMLR': SMLR(lm=0.01),
        'Logistic Regression': PLR(criterion=0.00001),
        'k-Nearest-Neighbour': kNN(k=10),
        'GNB': GNB(common_variance=True),
        'GNB(common_variance=False)': GNB(common_variance=False),

Now we are ready to run the classifiers. The following loop trains and queries each classifier to finally generate a nice plot showing the decision surface of each individual classifier, both for the linear and the non-linear dataset.

for id, ds in datasets.iteritems():
    # loop over classifiers and show how they do
    fig = 0

    # make a new figure
    P.figure(figsize=(9, 9))

    print "Processing %s problem..." % id

    for c in clfs:
        # tell which one we are doing
        print "Running %s classifier..." % (c)

        # make a new subplot for each classifier
        fig += 1
        P.subplot(3, 3, fig)

        # plot the training points
        P.plot(ds.samples[ds.labels == 1, 0],
               ds.samples[ds.labels == 1, 1],
        P.plot(ds.samples[ds.labels == 0, 0],
               ds.samples[ds.labels == 0, 1],

        # select the clasifier
        clf = clfs[c]

        # enable saving of the values used for the prediction

        # train with the known points

        # run the predictions on the test values
        pre = clf.predict(feat_test.T)

        # if ridge, use the prediction, otherwise use the values
        if c == 'Ridge Regression' or c.startswith('k-Nearest'):
            # use the prediction
            res = N.asarray(pre)
        elif c == 'Logistic Regression':
            # get out the values used for the prediction
            res = N.asarray(clf.values)
        elif c in ['SMLR']:
            res = N.asarray(clf.values[:, 1])
        elif c.startswith('GNB'):
            # Since probabilities are raw: for visualization lets
            # operate on logprobs and in comparison one to another
            res = clf.values[:, 1] - clf.values[:, 0]
            # Scale and position around 0.5
            res = 0.5 + res/max(N.abs(res))
            # get the probabilities from the svm
            res = N.asarray([(q[1][1] - q[1][0] + 1) / 2
                    for q in clf.probabilities])

        # reshape the results
        z = N.asarray(res).reshape((npoints, npoints))

        # plot the predictions
        P.pcolor(x, y, z, shading='interp')
        P.clim(0, 1)
        P.contour(x, y, z, linewidths=1, colors='black', hold=True)
        # add the title

if cfg.getboolean('examples', 'interactive', True):
    # show all the cool figures

See also

The full source code of this example is included in the PyMVPA source distribution (doc/examples/