Package mvpa :: Package misc :: Module state :: Class StateCollection
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Class StateCollection

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Container of StateVariables for a stateful object.
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, items=None, owner=None)
Initialize the state variables of a derived class
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Part of __repr__ for the owner object
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_is_initializable(self, index)
Checks if index could be assigned within collection via setvalue
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_initialize(self, index, value)
Initialize index (no check performed) with value
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_copy_states_(self, fromstate, index=None, deep=False)
Copy known here states from fromstate object into current object
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isEnabled(self, index)
Returns True if state index is enabled
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isActive(self, index)
Returns True if state index is known and is enabled
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enable(self, index, value=True, missingok=False)
Enable state variable given in index
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disable(self, index)
Disable state variable defined by index id
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_changeTemporarily(self, enable_states=None, disable_states=None, other=None)
Temporarily enable/disable needed states for computation
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Reset to previousely stored set of enabled states
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_getEnabled(self, nondefault=True, invert=False)
Return list of enabled states
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_setEnabled(self, indexlist)
Given `indexlist` make only those in the list enabled
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Inherited from Collection: __getattribute__, __getitem__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__, add, get, isKnown, isSet, remove, reset, whichSet

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  enabled = property(fget= _getEnabled, fset= _setEnabled)

Inherited from Collection: items, listing, name, names, owner

Instance Variables [hide private]
List to contain sets of enabled states which were enabled temporarily.

Inherited from Collection (private): _items

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, items=None, owner=None)

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Initialize the state variables of a derived class
  • items (dict) - dictionary of states
  • owner (ClassWithCollections) - object which owns the collection
  • name (basestring) - literal description. Usually just attribute name for the collection, e.g. 'states'
Overrides: object.__init__


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Part of __repr__ for the owner object
list of items to be appended within __repr__ after a .join()
Overrides: Collection._cls_repr

_is_initializable(self, index)

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Checks if index could be assigned within collection via setvalue
bool value for a given index
Overrides: Collection._is_initializable

_initialize(self, index, value)

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Initialize index (no check performed) with value
Overrides: Collection._initialize
(inherited documentation)

_copy_states_(self, fromstate, index=None, deep=False)

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Copy known here states from fromstate object into current object

Crafted to overcome a problem mentioned above in the comment and is to be called from __copy__ of derived classes

Probably sooner than later will get proper __getstate__, __setstate__

  • fromstate (Collection or ClassWithCollections) - Source states to copy from
  • index (None or list of basestring) - If not to copy all set state variables, index provides selection of what to copy
  • deep (bool) - Optional control over the way to copy

_changeTemporarily(self, enable_states=None, disable_states=None, other=None)

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Temporarily enable/disable needed states for computation

Enable or disable states which are enabled in other and listed in enable _states. Use resetEnabledTemporarily to reset to previous state of enabled.

other can be a ClassWithCollections object or StateCollection

_getEnabled(self, nondefault=True, invert=False)

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Return list of enabled states
  • nondefault (bool) - Either to return also states which are enabled simply by default
  • invert (bool) - Would invert the meaning, ie would return disabled states

_setEnabled(self, indexlist)

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Given `indexlist` make only those in the list enabled

It might be handy to store set of enabled states and then to restore
it later on. It can be easily accomplished now::

>>> from mvpa.misc.state import ClassWithCollections, StateVariable
>>> class Blah(ClassWithCollections):
...   bleh = StateVariable(enabled=False, doc='Example')
>>> blah = Blah()
>>> states_enabled = blah.states.enabled
>>> blah.states.enabled = ['bleh']
>>> blah.states.enabled = states_enabled