Package mvpa :: Package misc :: Package plot :: Module erp
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Source Code for Module mvpa.misc.plot.erp

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  5  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
  6  #   copyright and license terms. 
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  9  """Basic ERP (here ERP = Event Related Plot ;-)) plotting 
 11  Can be used for plotting not only ERP but any event-locked data 
 12  """ 
 14  import pylab as P 
 15  import numpy as N 
 16  import matplotlib as mpl 
 18  from mvpa.base import warning 
 19  from mvpa.mappers.boxcar import BoxcarMapper 
 21  # 
 22  # Few helper functions 
 23  # 
 24  import matplotlib.transforms as mlt 
25 -def _offset(ax, x, y):
26 """Provide offset in pixels 27 28 :Parameters: 29 x : int 30 Offset in pixels for x 31 y : int 32 Offset in pixels for y 33 34 Idea borrowed from 35 36 but then heavily extended to be compatible with many 37 reincarnations of matplotlib 38 """ 39 d = dir(mlt) 40 if 'offset_copy' in d: 41 # tested with python-matplotlib 0.98.3-5 42 # ??? if pukes, might need to replace 2nd parameter from 43 # ax to ax.get_figure() 44 return mlt.offset_copy(ax.transData, ax, x=x, y=y, units='dots') 45 elif 'BlendedAffine2D' in d: 46 # some newer versions of matplotlib 47 return ax.transData + \ 48 mlt.Affine2D().translate(x,y) 49 elif 'blend_xy_sep_transform' in d: 50 trans = mlt.blend_xy_sep_transform(ax.transData, ax.transData) 51 # Now we set the offset in pixels 52 trans.set_offset((x, y), mlt.identity_transform()) 53 return trans 54 else: 55 raise RuntimeError, \ 56 "Lacking needed functions in matplotlib.transform " \ 57 "for _offset. Please upgrade"
58 59
60 -def _make_centeredaxis(ax, loc, offset=5, ai=0, mult=1.0, 61 format='%4g', label=None, **props):
62 """Plot an axis which is centered at loc (e.g. 0) 63 64 :Parameters: 65 ax 66 Axes from the figure 67 loc 68 Value to center at 69 offset 70 Relative offset (in pixels) for the labels 71 ai : int 72 Axis index: 0 for x, 1 for y 73 mult 74 Multiplier for the axis labels. ERPs for instance need to be 75 inverted, thus labels too manually here since there is no easy 76 way in matplotlib to invert an axis 77 label : basestring or None 78 If not -- put a label outside of the axis 79 **props 80 Given to underlying plotting functions 81 82 Idea borrowed from 83 \ 84 /msg05669.html 85 It sustained heavy refactoring/extension 86 """ 87 xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() 88 ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() 89 90 xlocs = [l for l in ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs() 91 if l>=xmin and l<=xmax] 92 ylocs = [l for l in ax.yaxis.get_ticklocs() 93 if l>=ymin and l<=ymax] 94 95 if ai == 0: 96 hlocs = ylocs 97 locs = xlocs 98 vrange = [xmin, xmax] 99 tdir = mpl.lines.TICKDOWN 100 halignment = 'center' 101 valignment = 'top' 102 lhalignment = 'left' 103 lvalignment = 'center' 104 lx, ly = xmax, 0 105 ticklength = ax.xaxis.get_ticklines()[0]._markersize 106 elif ai == 1: 107 hlocs = xlocs 108 locs = ylocs 109 vrange = [ymin, ymax] 110 tdir = mpl.lines.TICKLEFT 111 halignment = 'right' 112 valignment = 'center' 113 lhalignment = 'center' 114 lvalignment = 'bottom' 115 lx, ly = 0, ymax 116 ticklength = ax.yaxis.get_ticklines()[0]._markersize 117 else: 118 raise ValueError, "Illegal ai=%s" % ai 119 120 args = [ (locs, [loc]*len(locs)), 121 (vrange, [loc, loc]), 122 [locs, (loc,)*len(locs)] 123 ] 124 125 offset_abs = offset + ticklength 126 if ai == 1: 127 # invert 128 args = [ [x[1], x[0]] for x in args ] 129 # shift the tick labels labels 130 trans = _offset(ax, -offset_abs, 0) 131 transl = _offset(ax, 0, offset) 132 else: 133 trans = _offset(ax, 0, -offset_abs) 134 transl = _offset(ax, offset, 0) 135 136 tickline, = ax.plot(linestyle='', marker=tdir, *args[0], **props) 137 axline, = ax.plot(*args[1], **props) 138 139 tickline.set_clip_on(False) 140 axline.set_clip_on(False) 141 142 143 for i, l in enumerate(locs): 144 if l == 0: # no origin label 145 continue 146 coor = [args[2][0][i], args[2][1][i], format % (mult * l)] 147 ax.text(horizontalalignment=halignment, 148 verticalalignment=valignment, transform=trans, *coor) 149 150 151 if label is not None: 152 ax.text( 153 #max(args[2][0]), max(args[2][1]), 154 lx, ly, 155 label, 156 horizontalalignment=lhalignment, 157 verticalalignment=lvalignment, fontsize=14, 158 # fontweight='bold', 159 transform=transl)
160 161
162 -def plotERP(data, SR=500, onsets=None, 163 pre=0.2, pre_onset=None, post=None, pre_mean=None, 164 color='r', errcolor=None, errtype=None, ax=P, 165 ymult=1.0, *args, **kwargs):
166 """Plot single ERP on existing canvas 167 168 :Parameters: 169 data: 1D or 2D ndarray 170 The data array can either be 1D (samples over time) or 2D 171 (trials x samples). In the first case a boxcar mapper is used to 172 extract the respective trial timecourses given a list of trial onsets. 173 In the latter case, each row of the data array is taken as the EEG 174 signal timecourse of a particular trial. 175 onsets: list(int) 176 List of onsets (in samples not in seconds). 177 SR: int 178 Sampling rate (1/s) of the signal. 179 pre: float 180 Duration (in seconds) to be plotted prior to onset. 181 pre_onset : float or None 182 If data is already in epochs (2D) then pre_onset provides information 183 on how many seconds pre-stimulus were used to generate them. If None, 184 then pre_onset = pre 185 post: float 186 Duration (in seconds) to be plotted after the onset. 187 pre_mean: float 188 Duration (in seconds) at the beginning of the window which is used 189 for deriving the mean of the signal. If None, pre_mean = pre 190 errtype: None | 'ste' | 'std' | 'ci95' | list of previous three 191 Type of error value to be computed per datapoint. 192 'ste': standard error of the mean 193 'std': standard deviation 194 'ci95': 95% confidence interval (1.96 * ste) 195 None: no error margin is plotted (default) 196 Optionally, multiple error types can be specified in a list. In that 197 case all of them will be plotted. 198 color: matplotlib color code 199 Color to be used for plotting the mean signal timecourse. 200 errcolor: matplotlib color code 201 Color to be used for plotting the error margin. If None, use main color 202 but with weak alpha level 203 ax: 204 Target where to draw. 205 ymult: float 206 Multiplier for the values. E.g. if negative-up ERP plot is needed: 207 provide ymult=-1.0 208 *args, **kwargs 209 Additional arguments to plot(). 210 211 :Returns: 212 array 213 Mean ERP timeseries. 214 """ 215 if pre_mean is None: 216 pre_mean = pre 217 218 # set default 219 pre_discard = 0 220 221 if onsets is not None: # if we need to extract ERPs 222 if post is None: 223 raise ValueError, \ 224 "Duration post onsets must be provided if onsets are given" 225 # trial timecourse duration 226 duration = pre + post 227 228 # We are working with a full timeline 229 bcm = BoxcarMapper(onsets, 230 boxlength = int(SR * duration), 231 offset = -int(SR * pre)) 232 erp_data = bcm(data) 233 234 # override values since we are using Boxcar 235 pre_onset = pre 236 else: 237 if pre_onset is None: 238 pre_onset = pre 239 240 if pre_onset < pre: 241 warning("Pre-stimulus interval to plot %g is smaller than provided " 242 "pre-stimulus captured interval %g, thus plot interval was " 243 "adjusted" % (pre, pre_onset)) 244 pre = pre_onset 245 246 if post is None: 247 # figure out post 248 duration = float(data.shape[1]) / SR - pre_discard 249 post = duration - pre 250 else: 251 duration = pre + post 252 253 erp_data = data 254 pre_discard = pre_onset - pre 255 256 # Scale the data appropriately 257 erp_data *= ymult 258 259 # validity check -- we should have 2D matrix (trials x samples) 260 if len(erp_data.shape) != 2: 261 raise RuntimeError, \ 262 "plotERP() supports either 1D data with onsets, or 2D data " \ 263 "(trials x sample_points). Shape of the data at the point " \ 264 "is %s" % erp_data.shape 265 266 if not (pre_mean == 0 or pre_mean is None): 267 # mean of pre-onset signal accross trials 268 erp_baseline = N.mean( 269 erp_data[:, int((pre_onset-pre_mean)*SR):int(pre_onset*SR)]) 270 # center data on pre-onset mean 271 # NOTE: make sure that we make a copy of the data to don't 272 # alter the original. Better be safe than sorry 273 erp_data = erp_data - erp_baseline 274 275 # generate timepoints and error ranges to plot filled error area 276 # top -> 277 # bottom <- 278 time_points = N.arange(erp_data.shape[1]) * 1.0 / SR - pre_onset 279 280 # if pre != pre_onset 281 if pre_discard > 0: 282 npoints = int(pre_discard * SR) 283 time_points = time_points[npoints:] 284 erp_data = erp_data[:, npoints:] 285 286 # select only time points of interest (if post is provided) 287 if post is not None: 288 npoints = int(duration * SR) 289 time_points = time_points[:npoints] 290 erp_data = erp_data[:, :npoints] 291 292 # compute mean signal timecourse accross trials 293 erp_mean = N.mean(erp_data, axis=0) 294 295 # give sane default 296 if errtype is None: 297 errtype = [] 298 if not isinstance(errtype, list): 299 errtype = [errtype] 300 301 for et in errtype: 302 # compute error per datapoint 303 if et in ['ste', 'ci95']: 304 erp_stderr = erp_data.std(axis=0) / N.sqrt(len(erp_data)) 305 if et == 'ci95': 306 erp_stderr *= 1.96 307 elif et == 'std': 308 erp_stderr = erp_data.std(axis=0) 309 else: 310 raise ValueError, "Unknown error type '%s'" % errtype 311 312 time_points2w = N.hstack((time_points, time_points[::-1])) 313 314 error_top = erp_mean + erp_stderr 315 error_bottom = erp_mean - erp_stderr 316 error2w = N.hstack((error_top, error_bottom[::-1])) 317 318 if errcolor is None: 319 errcolor = color 320 321 # plot error margin 322 pfill = ax.fill(time_points2w, error2w, 323 edgecolor=errcolor, facecolor=errcolor, alpha=0.2, 324 zorder=3) 325 326 # plot mean signal timecourse 327 ax.plot(time_points, erp_mean, lw=2, color=color, zorder=4, 328 *args, **kwargs) 329 # ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(P.MaxNLocator(4)) 330 return erp_mean
331 332
333 -def plotERPs(erps, data=None, ax=None, pre=0.2, post=None, 334 pre_onset=None, 335 xlabel='time (s)', ylabel='$\mu V$', 336 ylim=None, ymult=1.0, legend=None, 337 xlformat='%4g', ylformat='%4g', 338 loffset=10, alinewidth=2, 339 **kwargs):
340 """Plot multiple ERPs on a new figure. 341 342 :Parameters: 343 erps : list of tuples 344 List of definitions of ERPs. Each tuple should consist of 345 (label, color, onsets) or a dictionary which defines, 346 label, color, onsets, data. Data provided in dictionary overrides 347 'common' data provided in the next argument ``data`` 348 data 349 Data for ERPs to be derived from 1D (samples) 350 ax 351 Where to draw (e.g. subplot instance). If None, new figure is 352 created 353 pre : float 354 Duration (seconds) to be plotted prior to onset 355 pre_onset : float or None 356 If data is already in epochs (2D) then pre_onset provides information 357 on how many seconds pre-stimulus were used to generate them. If None, 358 then pre_onset = pre 359 post : float or None 360 Duration (seconds) to be plotted after the onset. If any data is 361 provided with onsets, it can't be None. If None -- plots all time 362 points after onsets 363 ymult : float 364 Multiplier for the values. E.g. if negative-up ERP plot is needed: 365 provide ymult=-1.0 366 xlformat : basestring 367 Format of the x ticks 368 ylformat : basestring 369 Format of the y ticks 370 legend : basestring or None 371 If not None, legend will be plotted with position argument 372 provided in this argument 373 loffset : int 374 Offset in voxels for axes and tick labels. Different 375 matplotlib frontends might have different opinions, thus 376 offset value might need to be tuned specifically per frontend 377 alinewidth : int 378 Axis and ticks line width 379 **kwargs 380 Additional arguments provided to plotERP() 381 382 383 :Examples: 384 kwargs = {'SR' : eeg.SR, 'pre_mean' : 0.2} 385 fig = plotERPs((('60db', 'b', eeg.erp_onsets['60db']), 386 ('80db', 'r', eeg.erp_onsets['80db'])), 387 data[:, eeg.sensor_mapping['Cz']], 388 ax=fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,frame_on=False), pre=0.2, 389 post=0.6, **kwargs) 390 391 or 392 fig = plotERPs((('60db', 'b', eeg.erp_onsets['60db']), 393 {'color': 'r', 394 'onsets': eeg.erp_onsets['80db'], 395 'data' : data[:, eeg.sensor_mapping['Cz']]} 396 ), 397 data[:, eeg.sensor_mapping['Cz']], 398 ax=fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,frame_on=False), pre=0.2, 399 post=0.6, **kwargs) 400 401 :Returns: current fig handler 402 """ 403 404 if ax is None: 405 fig = P.figure(facecolor='white') 406 fig.clf() 407 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False) 408 else: 409 fig = P.gcf() 410 411 # We don't want original axis being on 412 ax.axison = True 413 414 labels = [] 415 for erp_def in erps: 416 plot_data = data 417 params = {'ymult' : ymult} 418 419 # provide custom parameters per ERP 420 if isinstance(erp_def, tuple) and len(erp_def) == 3: 421 params.update( 422 {'label': erp_def[0], 423 'color': erp_def[1], 424 'onsets': erp_def[2]}) 425 elif isinstance(erp_def, dict): 426 plot_data = erp_def.pop('data', None) 427 params.update(erp_def) 428 429 labels.append(params.get('label', '')) 430 431 # absorb common parameters 432 params.update(kwargs) 433 434 if plot_data is None: 435 raise ValueError, "Channel %s got no data provided" \ 436 % params.get('label', 'UNKNOWN') 437 438 439 plotERP(plot_data, pre=pre, pre_onset=pre_onset, post=post, ax=ax, 440 **params) 441 # plot_kwargs={'label':label}) 442 443 if isinstance(erp_def, dict): 444 erp_def['data'] = plot_data # return it back 445 446 props = dict(color='black', 447 linewidth=alinewidth, markeredgewidth=alinewidth, 448 zorder=1, offset=loffset) 449 450 def set_limits(): 451 """Helper to set x and y limits""" 452 ax.set_xlim( (-pre, post) ) 453 if ylim != None: 454 ax.set_ylim(*ylim)
455 456 set_limits() 457 _make_centeredaxis(ax, 0, ai=0, label=xlabel, **props) 458 set_limits() 459 _make_centeredaxis(ax, 0, ai=1, mult=N.sign(ymult), label=ylabel, **props) 460 461 ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(P.NullLocator()) 462 ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(P.NullLocator()) 463 464 # legend obscures plotting a bit... seems to be plotting 465 # everything twice. Thus disabled by default 466 if legend is not None and N.any(N.array(labels) != ''): 467 P.legend(labels, loc=legend) 468 469 fig.canvas.draw() 470 return fig 471