Package mvpa :: Package misc :: Module param
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Source Code for Module mvpa.misc.param

  1  # emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- 
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  4  # 
  5  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
  6  #   copyright and license terms. 
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  9  """Parameter representation""" 
 11  __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' 
 13  import re 
 14  import textwrap 
 15  from mvpa.misc.state import CollectableAttribute 
 17  if __debug__: 
 18      from mvpa.base import debug 
 20  _whitespace_re = re.compile('\n\s+|^\s+') 
 22  __all__ = [ 'Parameter', 'KernelParameter' ] 
23 24 -class Parameter(CollectableAttribute):
25 """This class shall serve as a representation of a parameter. 26 27 It might be useful if a little more information than the pure parameter 28 value is required (or even only useful). 29 30 Each parameter must have a value. However additional property can be 31 passed to the constructor and will be stored in the object. 32 33 BIG ASSUMPTION: stored values are not mutable, ie nobody should do 34 35 cls.parameter1[:] = ... 36 37 or we wouldn't know that it was changed 38 39 Here is a list of possible property names: 40 41 min - minimum value 42 max - maximum value 43 step - increment/decrement stepsize 44 """ 45
46 - def __init__(self, default, name=None, doc=None, index=None, **kwargs):
47 """Specify a parameter by its default value and optionally an arbitrary 48 number of additional parameters. 49 50 TODO: :Parameters: for Parameter 51 """ 52 self.__default = default 53 54 CollectableAttribute.__init__(self, name=name, doc=doc, index=index) 55 56 self.resetvalue() 57 self._isset = False 58 59 if __debug__: 60 if kwargs.has_key('val'): 61 raise ValueError, "'val' property name is illegal." 62 63 # XXX probably is too generic... 64 for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): 65 self.__setattr__(k, v)
66 67
68 - def __str__(self):
69 res = CollectableAttribute.__str__(self) 70 # it is enabled but no value is assigned yet 71 res += '=%s' % (self.value,) 72 return res
73 74
75 - def doc(self, indent=" ", width=70):
76 """Docstring for the parameter to be used in lists of parameters 77 78 :Returns: 79 string or list of strings (if indent is None) 80 """ 81 paramsdoc = " %s" % 82 if hasattr(paramsdoc, 'allowedtype'): 83 paramsdoc += " : %s" % self.allowedtype 84 paramsdoc = [paramsdoc] 85 try: 86 doc = self.__doc__ 87 if not doc.endswith('.'): doc += '.' 88 try: 89 doc += " (Default: %s)" % self.default 90 except: 91 pass 92 # Explicitly deal with multiple spaces, for some reason 93 # replace_whitespace is non-effective 94 doc = _whitespace_re.sub(' ', doc) 95 paramsdoc += [' ' + x 96 for x in textwrap.wrap(doc, width=width-len(indent), 97 replace_whitespace=True)] 98 except Exception, e: 99 pass 100 101 if indent is None: 102 return paramsdoc 103 else: 104 return ('\n' + indent).join(paramsdoc)
105 106 107 # XXX should be named reset2default? correspondingly in 108 # ParameterCollection as well
109 - def resetvalue(self):
110 """Reset value to the default""" 111 #CollectableAttribute.reset(self) 112 if not self.isDefault: 113 self._isset = True 114 self.value = self.__default
116 - def _set(self, val):
117 if self._value != val: 118 if __debug__: 119 debug("COL", 120 "Parameter: setting %s to %s " % (str(self), val)) 121 if hasattr(self, 'min') and val < self.min: 122 raise ValueError, \ 123 "Minimal value for parameter %s is %s. Got %s" % \ 124 (, self.min, val) 125 if hasattr(self, 'max') and val > self.max: 126 raise ValueError, \ 127 "Maximal value for parameter %s is %s. Got %s" % \ 128 (, self.max, val) 129 if hasattr(self, 'choices') and (not val in self.choices): 130 raise ValueError, \ 131 "Valid choices for parameter %s are %s. Got %s" % \ 132 (, self.choices, val) 133 self._value = val 134 self._isset = True 135 elif __debug__: 136 debug("COL", 137 "Parameter: not setting %s since value is the same" \ 138 % (str(self)))
139 140 @property
141 - def isDefault(self):
142 """Returns True if current value is bound to default one""" 143 return self._value is self.default
144 145 @property
146 - def equalDefault(self):
147 """Returns True if current value is equal to default one""" 148 return self._value == self.__default
150 - def setDefault(self, value):
151 wasdefault = self.isDefault 152 self.__default = value 153 if wasdefault: 154 self.resetvalue() 155 self._isset = False
156 157 # incorrect behavior 158 #def reset(self): 159 # """Override reset so we don't clean the flag""" 160 # pass 161 162 default = property(fget=lambda x:x.__default, fset=setDefault) 163 value = property(fget=lambda x:x._value, fset=_set)
165 -class KernelParameter(Parameter):
166 """Just that it is different beast""" 167 pass