Package mvpa :: Package misc :: Module args
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Module args

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Helpers for arguments handling.
Functions [hide private]
split_kwargs(kwargs, prefixes=[])
Helper to separate kwargs into multiple groups
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group_kwargs(prefixes, assign=False, passthrough=False)
Decorator function to join parts of kwargs together
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Function Details [hide private]

split_kwargs(kwargs, prefixes=[])

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Helper to separate kwargs into multiple groups
  • prefixes (list of basestrings) - Each entry sets a prefix which puts entry with key starting with it into a separate group. Group '' corresponds to 'leftovers'

group_kwargs(prefixes, assign=False, passthrough=False)

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Decorator function to join parts of kwargs together

Example: if needed to join all args which start with 'slave<underscore>' together under slave_kwargs parameter

  • prefixes (list of basestrings) - Prefixes to split based on. See split_kwargs
  • assign (bool) - Flag to assign the obtained arguments to self._<prefix>_kwargs
  • passthrough (bool) - Flag to pass joined arguments as <prefix>_kwargs argument. Usually it is sufficient to have either assign or passthrough. If none of those is True, decorator simply filters out mentioned groups from being passed to the method