Package mvpa :: Package measures :: Module splitmeasure :: Class TScoredFeaturewiseMeasure
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Class TScoredFeaturewiseMeasure

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SplitFeaturewiseMeasure computing featurewise t-score of sensitivities across splits.
Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: __metaclass__

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, sensana, splitter, noise_level=0.0, **kwargs)
Cheap initialization.
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_call(self, dataset, callables=[])
Compute sensitivity maps for all dataset splits and return the featurewise t-score of them.
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Inherited from base.FeaturewiseDatasetMeasure: __repr__, combiner

Inherited from base.FeaturewiseDatasetMeasure (private): _postcall

Inherited from base.DatasetMeasure: __call__, null_dist, transformer, untrain

Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: __getattribute__, __new__, __setattr__, __str__, reset

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from base.FeaturewiseDatasetMeasure: base_sensitivities

Inherited from base.DatasetMeasure: __doc__, null_prob, null_t, raw_results

Inherited from misc.state.ClassWithCollections: _DEV__doc__, descr

Instance Variables [hide private]
Output of the sensitivity analyzer when there is no signal.

Inherited from SplitFeaturewiseMeasure: maps

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, sensana, splitter, noise_level=0.0, **kwargs)

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Cheap initialization.
  • sensana (SensitivityAnalyzer) - that shall be run on the Dataset splits.
  • splitter (Splitter) - used to split the Dataset. By convention the first dataset in the tuple returned by the splitter on each iteration is used to compute the sensitivity map.
  • noise_level, float - Theoretical output of the respective SensitivityAnalyzer for a pure noise pattern. For most algorithms this is probably zero, hence the default.
Overrides: object.__init__

_call(self, dataset, callables=[])

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Compute sensitivity maps for all dataset splits and return the featurewise t-score of them.
Overrides: base.DatasetMeasure._call