Package mvpa :: Package measures :: Module glm
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Source Code for Module mvpa.measures.glm

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  5  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
  6  #   copyright and license terms. 
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  9  """The general linear model (GLM).""" 
 11  __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' 
 13  import numpy as N 
 15  from mvpa.measures.base import FeaturewiseDatasetMeasure 
 16  from mvpa.misc.state import StateVariable 
18 -class GLM(FeaturewiseDatasetMeasure):
19 """General linear model (GLM). 20 21 Regressors can be defined in a design matrix and a linear fit of the data 22 is computed univariately (i.e. indepently for each feature). This measure 23 can report 'raw' parameter estimates (i.e. beta weights) of the linear 24 model, as well as standardized parameters (z-stat) using an ordinary 25 least squares (aka fixed-effects) approach to estimate the parameter 26 estimate. 27 28 The measure is reported in a (nfeatures x nregressors)-shaped array. 29 """ 30 31 pe = StateVariable(enabled=False, 32 doc="Parameter estimates (nfeatures x nparameters).") 33 34 zstat = StateVariable(enabled=False, 35 doc="Standardized parameter estimates (nfeatures x nparameters).") 36
37 - def __init__(self, design, voi='pe', **kwargs):
38 """ 39 :Parameters: 40 design: array(nsamples x nregressors) 41 GLM design matrix. 42 voi: 'pe' | 'zstat' 43 Variable of interest that should be reported as feature-wise 44 measure. 'beta' are the parameter estimates and 'zstat' returns 45 standardized parameter estimates. 46 """ 47 FeaturewiseDatasetMeasure.__init__(self, **kwargs) 48 # store the design matrix as a such (no copying if already array) 49 self._design = N.asmatrix(design) 50 51 # what should be computed ('variable of interest') 52 if not voi in ['pe', 'zstat']: 53 raise ValueError, \ 54 "Unknown variable of interest '%s'" % str(voi) 55 self._voi = voi 56 57 # will store the precomputed Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of the 58 # design matrix (lazy calculation) 59 self._inv_design = None 60 # also store the inverse of the inner product for beta variance 61 # estimation 62 self._inv_ip = None
63 64
65 - def _call(self, dataset):
66 # just for the beauty of it 67 X = self._design 68 69 # precompute transformation is not yet done 70 if self._inv_design is None: 71 self._inv_ip = (X.T * X).I 72 self._inv_design = self._inv_ip * X.T 73 74 # get parameter estimations for all features at once 75 # (betas x features) 76 betas = self._inv_design * dataset.samples 77 78 # charge state 79 = pe = betas.T.A 80 81 # if betas and no z-stats are desired return them right away 82 if self._voi == 'pe' and not self.states.isEnabled('zstat'): 83 # return as (feature x beta) 84 return pe 85 86 # compute residuals 87 residuals = X * betas 88 residuals -= dataset.samples 89 90 # estimates of the parameter variance and compute zstats 91 # assumption of mean(E) == 0 and equal variance 92 # XXX next lines ignore off-diagonal elements and hence covariance 93 # between regressors. The humble being writing these lines asks the 94 # god of statistics for forgives, because it knows not what it does 95 diag_ip = N.diag(self._inv_ip) 96 # (features x betas) 97 beta_vars = N.array([ r.var() * diag_ip for r in residuals.T ]) 98 # (parameter x feature) 99 zstat = pe / N.sqrt(beta_vars) 100 101 # charge state 102 self.states.zstat = zstat 103 104 if self._voi == 'pe': 105 # return as (feature x beta) 106 return pe 107 elif self._voi == 'zstat': 108 # return as (feature x zstat) 109 return zstat 110 111 # we shall never get to this point 112 raise ValueError, \ 113 "Unknown variable of interest '%s'" % str(self._voi)