Package mvpa :: Package mappers :: Module samplegroup :: Class SampleGroupMapper
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Class SampleGroupMapper

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Mapper to apply a mapping function to samples of the same type.

A customimzable function is applied individually to all samples with the same unique label from the same chunk. This mapper is somewhat unconventional since it doesn't preserve number of samples (ie the size of 0-th dimension...)

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, fx=FirstAxisMean)
Initialize the PCAMapper
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train(self, dataset)
Perform training of the mapper.
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forward(self, data)
Map data from the IN dataspace into OUT space.
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reverse(self, data)
This is not implemented.
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Returns the number of original samples which were combined.
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Returns the number of output samples.
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selectOut(self, outIds)
Just complain for now
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Inherited from base.Mapper: __call__, __repr__, getInId, getMetric, getNeighbor, getNeighborIn, getNeighbors, isValidInId, isValidOutId, setMetric

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  __doc__ = enhancedDocString('SampleGroupMapper', locals(), Map...

Inherited from base.Mapper: metric, nfeatures

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, fx=FirstAxisMean)

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Initialize the PCAMapper

startpoints: A sequence of index value along the first axis of
boxlength: The number of elements after 'startpoint' along the
first axis of 'data' to be considered for averaging.
offset: The offset between the starting point and the
averaging window (boxcar).
collision_resolution : string
if a sample belonged to multiple output samples, then on reverse, how to resolve the value (choices: 'mean')
  • metric - Optional metric
Overrides: object.__init__

train(self, dataset)

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Perform training of the mapper.

This method is called to put the mapper in a state that allows it to perform to intended mapping.

The default behavior of this method is to do nothing.
Overrides: base.Mapper.train

forward(self, data)

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Map data from the IN dataspace into OUT space.
Overrides: base.Mapper.forward

reverse(self, data)

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This is not implemented.
Overrides: base.Mapper.reverse


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Returns the number of original samples which were combined.
Overrides: base.Mapper.getInSize


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Returns the number of output samples.
Overrides: base.Mapper.getOutSize

selectOut(self, outIds)

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Just complain for now
  • outIds, sequence - Subset of ids of the current feature in OUT space to keep.
Overrides: base.Mapper.selectOut

Class Variable Details [hide private]


enhancedDocString('SampleGroupMapper', locals(), Mapper)