Package mvpa :: Package mappers :: Module mask
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Source Code for Module mvpa.mappers.mask

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  5  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
  6  #   copyright and license terms. 
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  9  """Data mapper which applies mask to the data""" 
 11  __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' 
 13  import numpy as N 
 15  from mvpa.mappers.base import Mapper 
 16  from mvpa.base.dochelpers import enhancedDocString 
 17  from import isInVolume 
 19  if __debug__: 
 20      from mvpa.base import debug, warning 
 21      from import isSorted 
24 -class MaskMapper(Mapper):
25 """Mapper which uses a binary mask to select "Features" """ 26
27 - def __init__(self, mask, **kwargs):
28 """Initialize MaskMapper 29 30 :Parameters: 31 mask : array 32 an array in the original dataspace and its nonzero elements are 33 used to define the features included in the dataset 34 """ 35 Mapper.__init__(self, **kwargs) 36 37 self.__mask = self.__maskdim = self.__masksize = \ 38 self.__masknonzerosize = self.__forwardmap = \ 39 self.__masknonzero = None # to make pylint happy 40 self._initMask(mask)
41 42 43 __doc__ = enhancedDocString('MaskMapper', locals(), Mapper) 44 45
46 - def __str__(self):
47 return "MaskMapper: %d -> %d" \ 48 % (self.__masksize, self.__masknonzerosize)
50 - def __repr__(self):
51 s = super(MaskMapper, self).__repr__() 52 return s.replace("(", "(mask=%s," % self.__mask, 1)
53 54 # XXX 55 # XXX HAS TO TAKE CARE OF SUBCLASSES!!! 56 # XXX 57 # 58 # def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None): 59 # # XXX memo does not seem to be used 60 # if memo is None: 61 # memo = {} 62 # from import deepcopy 63 # out = MaskMapper.__new__(MaskMapper) 64 # Mapper.__init__(out) 65 # out.__mask = self.__mask.copy() 66 # out.__maskdim = self.__maskdim 67 # out.__masksize = self.__masksize 68 # out.__masknonzero = deepcopy(self.__masknonzero) 69 # out.__masknonzerosize = self.__masknonzerosize 70 # out.__forwardmap = self.__forwardmap.copy() 71 # 72 # return out 73 74
75 - def _initMask(self, mask):
76 """Initialize internal state with mask-derived information 77 78 It is needed to initialize structures for the fast 79 and reverse lookup to don't impose performance hit on any 80 future operation 81 """ 82 # NOTE: If any new class member are added here __deepcopy__() has to 83 # be adjusted accordingly! 84 85 self.__mask = (mask != 0) 86 self.__maskdim = len(mask.shape) 87 self.__masksize = 88 89 # Following introduces space penalty but are needed 90 # for efficient processing. 91 # Store all coordinates for backward mapping 92 self.__masknonzero = mask.nonzero() 93 self.__masknonzerosize = len(self.__masknonzero[0]) 94 #from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed 95 #ipshell = IPShellEmbed() 96 #ipshell() 97 #import pydb; pydb.debugger() 98 # Store forward mapping (ie from coord into outId) 99 # TODO to save space might take appropriate int type 100 # depending on masknonzerosize 101 # it could be done with a dictionary, but since mask 102 # might be relatively big, it is better to simply use 103 # a chunk of RAM ;-) 104 self.__forwardmap = N.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=N.int64) 105 # under assumption that we +1 values in forwardmap so that 106 # 0 can be used to signal outside of mask 107 108 self.__forwardmap[self.__masknonzero] = \ 109 N.arange(self.__masknonzerosize)
110 111
112 - def forward(self, data):
113 """Map data from the original dataspace into featurespace. 114 """ 115 data = N.asanyarray(data) # assure it is an array 116 datadim = len(data.shape) 117 datashape = data.shape[(-1)*self.__maskdim:] 118 if not datashape == self.__mask.shape: 119 raise ValueError, \ 120 "The shape of data to be mapped %s " % `datashape` \ 121 + " does not match the mapper's mask shape %s" \ 122 % `self.__mask.shape` 123 124 if self.__maskdim == datadim: 125 # we had to select by __masknonzero if we didn't sort 126 # Ids and wanted to preserve the order 127 #return data[ self.__masknonzero ] 128 return data[ self.__mask ] 129 elif self.__maskdim+1 == datadim: 130 # XXX XXX XXX below line should be accomodated also 131 # to make use of self.__masknonzero instead of 132 # plain mask if we want to preserve the (re)order 133 return data[ :, self.__mask ] 134 else: 135 raise ValueError, \ 136 "Shape of the to be mapped data, does not match the " \ 137 "mapper mask. Only one (optional) additional dimension " \ 138 "exceeding the mask shape is supported."
139 140
141 - def reverse(self, data):
142 """Reverse map data from featurespace into the original dataspace. 143 """ 144 data = N.asanyarray(data) 145 datadim = len(data.shape) 146 if not datadim in [1, 2]: 147 raise ValueError, \ 148 "Only 2d or 1d data can be reverse mapped. "\ 149 "Got data of shape %s" % (data.shape,) 150 151 if datadim == 1: 152 # Verify that we are trying to reverse data of proper dimension. 153 # In 1D case numpy would not complain and will broadcast 154 # the values 155 if __debug__ and self.nfeatures != len(data): 156 raise ValueError, \ 157 "Cannot reverse map data with %d elements, whenever " \ 158 "mask knows only %d" % (len(data), self.nfeatures) 159 mapped = N.zeros(self.__mask.shape, dtype=data.dtype) 160 mapped[self.__mask] = data 161 elif datadim == 2: 162 # Verify that we are trying to reverse data of proper dimension. 163 # In 2D case numpy we should have matching # of features 164 if __debug__ and self.nfeatures != data.shape[1]: 165 raise ValueError, \ 166 "Cannot reverse map data of shape %s, whenever " \ 167 "mask knows only %d features" \ 168 % (data.shape, self.nfeatures) 169 170 mapped = N.zeros(data.shape[:1] + self.__mask.shape, 171 dtype=data.dtype) 172 mapped[:, self.__mask] = data 173 174 return mapped
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177 - def getInSize(self):
178 """InShape is a shape of original mask""" 179 return self.__masksize
180 181
182 - def getOutSize(self):
183 """OutSize is a number of non-0 elements in the mask""" 184 return self.__masknonzerosize
185 186
187 - def getMask(self, copy = True):
188 """By default returns a copy of the current mask. 189 190 If 'copy' is set to False a reference to the mask is returned instead. 191 This shared mask must not be modified! 192 """ 193 if copy: 194 return self.__mask.copy() 195 else: 196 return self.__mask
197 198
199 - def getInId(self, outId):
200 """Returns a features coordinate in the original data space 201 for a given feature id. 202 203 If this method is called with a list of feature ids it returns a 204 2d-array where the first axis corresponds the dimensions in 'In' 205 dataspace and along the second axis are the coordinates of the features 206 on this dimension (like the output of NumPy.array.nonzero()). 207 208 XXX it might become __get_item__ access method 209 210 """ 211 # XXX Might be improved by storing also transpose of 212 # __masknonzero 213 return N.array([self.__masknonzero[i][outId] 214 for i in xrange(self.__maskdim)])
215 216
217 - def getInIds(self):
218 """Returns a 2d array where each row contains the coordinate of the 219 feature with the corresponding id. 220 """ 221 return N.transpose(self.__masknonzero)
222 223
224 - def isValidInId(self, inId):
225 mask = self.mask 226 return (isInVolume(inId, mask.shape) and mask[tuple(inId)] != 0)
227 228
229 - def getOutId(self, coord):
230 """Translate a feature mask coordinate into a feature ID. 231 """ 232 # FIXME Since lists/arrays accept negative indexes to go from 233 # the end -- we need to check coordinates explicitely. Otherwise 234 # we would get warping effect 235 try: 236 tcoord = tuple(coord) 237 if self.__mask[tcoord] == 0: 238 raise ValueError, \ 239 "The point %s didn't belong to the mask" % (`coord`) 240 return self.__forwardmap[tcoord] 241 except TypeError: 242 raise ValueError, \ 243 "Coordinates %s are of incorrect dimension. " % `coord` + \ 244 "The mask has %d dimensions." % self.__maskdim 245 except IndexError: 246 raise ValueError, \ 247 "Coordinates %s are out of mask boundary. " % `coord` + \ 248 "The mask is of %s shape." % `self.__mask.shape`
249 250
251 - def selectOut(self, outIds):
252 """Only listed outIds would remain. 253 254 *Function assumes that outIds are sorted*. In __debug__ mode selectOut 255 would check if obtained IDs are sorted and would warn the user if they 256 are not. 257 258 .. note:: 259 If you feel strongly that you need to remap features 260 internally (ie to allow Ids with mixed order) please contact 261 developers of mvpa to discuss your use case. 262 263 The function used to accept a matrix-mask as the input but now 264 it really has to be a list of IDs 265 266 Feature/Bug: 267 * Negative outIds would not raise exception - just would be 268 treated 'from the tail' 269 """ 270 if __debug__ and 'CHECK_SORTEDIDS' in 271 # per short conversation with Michael -- we should not 272 # allow reordering since we saw no viable use case for 273 # it. Thus -- warn user is outIds are not in sorted order 274 # and no sorting was requested may be due to performance 275 # considerations 276 if not isSorted(outIds): 277 warning("IDs for selectOut must be provided " + 278 "in sorted order, otherwise .forward() would fail"+ 279 " on the data with multiple samples") 280 281 # adjust mask and forwardmap 282 discarded = N.array([ True ] * self.nfeatures) 283 discarded[outIds] = False # create a map of discarded Ids 284 discardedin = tuple(self.getInId(discarded)) 285 self.__mask[discardedin] = False 286 287 self.__masknonzerosize = len(outIds) 288 self.__masknonzero = [ x[outIds] for x in self.__masknonzero ] 289 290 # adjust/remap not discarded in forwardmap 291 # since we merged _tent/maskmapper-init-noloop it is not necessary 292 # to zero-out discarded entries since we anyway would check with mask 293 # in getOutId(s) 294 self.__forwardmap[self.__masknonzero] = \ 295 N.arange(self.__masknonzerosize)
296 297
298 - def discardOut(self, outIds):
299 """Listed outIds would be discarded 300 301 """ 302 303 # adjust mask and forwardmap 304 discardedin = tuple(self.getInId(outIds)) 305 self.__mask[discardedin] = False 306 # since we merged _tent/maskmapper-init-noloop it is not necessary 307 # to zero-out discarded entries since we anyway would check with mask 308 # in getOutId(s) 309 # self.__forwardmap[discardedin] = 0 310 311 self.__masknonzerosize -= len(outIds) 312 self.__masknonzero = [ N.delete(x, outIds) 313 for x in self.__masknonzero ] 314 315 # adjust/remap not discarded in forwardmap 316 self.__forwardmap[self.__masknonzero] = \ 317 N.arange(self.__masknonzerosize)
318 319 # OPT: we can adjust __forwardmap only for ids which are higher than 320 # the smallest outId among discarded. Similar strategy could be done 321 # for selectOut but such index has to be figured out first there 322 # .... 323 324 325 # comment out for now... introduce when needed 326 # def getInEmpty(self): 327 # """Returns empty instance of input object""" 328 # raise NotImplementedError 329 # 330 # 331 # def getOutEmpty(self): 332 # """Returns empty instance of output object""" 333 # raise NotImplementedError 334 335
336 - def convertOutIds2OutMask(self, outIds):
337 """Returns a boolean mask with all features in `outIds` selected. 338 339 :Parameters: 340 outIds: list or 1d array 341 To be selected features ids in out-space. 342 343 :Returns: 344 ndarray: dtype='bool' 345 All selected features are set to True; False otherwise. 346 """ 347 fmask = N.repeat(False, self.nfeatures) 348 fmask[outIds] = True 349 350 return fmask
351 352
353 - def convertOutIds2InMask(self, outIds):
354 """Returns a boolean mask with all features in `ouIds` selected. 355 356 This method works exactly like Mapper.convertOutIds2OutMask(), but the 357 feature mask is finally (reverse) mapped into in-space. 358 359 :Parameters: 360 outIds: list or 1d array 361 To be selected features ids in out-space. 362 363 :Returns: 364 ndarray: dtype='bool' 365 All selected features are set to True; False otherwise. 366 """ 367 return self.reverse(self.convertOutIds2OutMask(outIds))
368 369 370 # Read-only props 371 mask = property(fget=lambda self:self.getMask(False))
372 373 374 # TODO Unify tuple/array conversion of coordinates. tuples are needed 375 # for easy reference, arrays are needed when doing computation on 376 # coordinates: for some reason numpy doesn't handle casting into 377 # array from tuples while performing arithm operations... 378