Package mvpa :: Package mappers :: Module ica
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Source Code for Module mvpa.mappers.ica

 1  # emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- 
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 4  # 
 5  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
 6  #   copyright and license terms. 
 7  # 
 8  ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ## 
 9  """Data mapper""" 
11  __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' 
13  import numpy as N 
15  from mvpa.base.dochelpers import enhancedDocString 
16  from mvpa.mappers.base import ProjectionMapper 
18  import mvpa.base.externals as externals 
19  if externals.exists('mdp', raiseException=True): 
20      from mdp.nodes import FastICANode, CuBICANode 
23 -class ICAMapper(ProjectionMapper):
24 """Mapper to project data onto ICA components estimated from some dataset. 25 26 After the mapper has been instantiated, it has to be train first. The ICA 27 mapper only handles 2D data matrices. 28 """
29 - def __init__(self, algorithm='cubica', transpose=False, **kwargs):
30 ProjectionMapper.__init__(self, **kwargs) 31 32 self._algorithm = algorithm 33 self._transpose = transpose
34 35 __doc__ = enhancedDocString('ICAMapper', locals(), ProjectionMapper) 36 37
38 - def _train(self, dataset):
39 """Determine the projection matrix onto the components from 40 a 2D samples x feature data matrix. 41 """ 42 white_param = {} 43 44 # more features than samples? -> rank deficiancy 45 # if not tranposing the data, MDP has to do SVD prior to ICA 46 if dataset.samples.shape[1] > dataset.samples.shape[0] \ 47 and not self._transpose: 48 white_param['svd'] = True 49 50 if self._algorithm == 'fastica': 51 node = FastICANode(white_parm=white_param, 52 dtype=dataset.samples.dtype) 53 elif self._algorithm == 'cubica': 54 node = CuBICANode(white_parm=white_param, 55 dtype=dataset.samples.dtype) 56 else: 57 raise NotImplementedError 58 59 # node.train(dataset.samples.T) 60 # self._proj = dataset.samples.T * N.asmatrix(node.get_projmatrix()) 61 # print self._proj.shape 62 # else: 63 node.train(dataset.samples) 64 self._proj = N.asmatrix(node.get_projmatrix()) 65 self._recon = N.asmatrix(node.get_recmatrix())