Package mvpa :: Package clfs :: Package sg :: Module svm
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Module svm

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Wrap the libsvm package into a very simple class interface.
Classes [hide private]
Support Vector Machine Classifier(s) based on Shogun
Functions [hide private]
_setdebug(obj, partname)
Helper to set level of debugging output for SG :Parameters: obj In SG debug output seems to be set per every object partname : basestring For what kind of object we are talking about...
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Draft helper function to convert data we have into SG suitable format
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Variables [hide private]
  _DEV__doc__ = ...
  _M_DEBUG = shogun.Kernel.MSG_DEBUG
  _M_ERROR = shogun.Kernel.MSG_ERROR

Imports: _random_seed, operator, Parameter, warning, FailedToTrainError, MulticlassClassifier, _SVM, LinearSVMWeights, StateVariable, shogun, externals, N, Sensitivity, debug

Function Details [hide private]

_setdebug(obj, partname)

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Helper to set level of debugging output for SG
    In SG debug output seems to be set per every object
  partname : basestring
    For what kind of object we are talking about... could be automated
    later on (TODO)


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Draft helper function to convert data we have into SG suitable format

TODO: Support different datatypes

Variables Details [hide private]



 * dual-license under GPL for use of SG?
 * for recent versions add ability to specify/parametrize normalizatio\
   scheme for the kernel, and reuse 'scale' now for the normalizer
 * Add support for simplified linear classifiers (which do not require