Package mvpa :: Package clfs :: Module model_selector
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Source Code for Module mvpa.clfs.model_selector

  1  # emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- 
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  4  # 
  5  #   Copyright (c) 2008 Emanuele Olivetti <> 
  6  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
  7  #   copyright and license terms. 
  8  # 
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 10  """Model selction.""" 
 12  __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' 
 15  import numpy as N 
 16  from mvpa.base import externals 
 17  from mvpa.misc.exceptions import InvalidHyperparameterError 
 19  if externals.exists("scipy", raiseException=True): 
 20      import scipy.linalg as SL 
 22  # no sense to import this module if openopt is not available 
 23  if externals.exists("openopt", raiseException=True): 
 24      try: 
 25          from openopt import NLP 
 26      except ImportError: 
 27          from scikits.openopt import NLP 
 29  if __debug__: 
 30      from mvpa.base import debug 
32 -def _openopt_debug():
33 # shut up or make verbose OpenOpt 34 # (-1 = no logs, 0 = small log, 1 = verbose) 35 if __debug__: 36 da = 37 if 'OPENOPT' in da: 38 return 1 39 elif 'MOD_SEL' in da: 40 return 0 41 return -1
42 43
44 -class ModelSelector(object):
45 """Model selection facility. 46 47 Select a model among multiple models (i.e., a parametric model, 48 parametrized by a set of hyperparamenters). 49 """ 50
51 - def __init__(self, parametric_model, dataset):
52 self.parametric_model = parametric_model 53 self.dataset = dataset 54 self.hyperparameters_best = None 55 self.log_marginal_likelihood_best = None 56 self.problem = None 57 pass
59 - def max_log_marginal_likelihood(self, hyp_initial_guess, maxiter=1, 60 optimization_algorithm="scipy_cg", ftol=1.0e-3, fixedHypers=None, 61 use_gradient=False, logscale=False):
62 """ 63 Set up the optimization problem in order to maximize 64 the log_marginal_likelihood. 65 66 :Parameters: 67 68 parametric_model : Classifier 69 the actual parameteric model to be optimized. 70 71 hyp_initial_guess : numpy.ndarray 72 set of hyperparameters' initial values where to start 73 optimization. 74 75 optimization_algorithm : string 76 actual name of the optimization algorithm. See 77 78 for a comprehensive/updated list of available NLP solvers. 79 (Defaults to 'ralg') 80 81 ftol : float 82 threshold for the stopping criterion of the solver, 83 which is mapped in OpenOpt NLP.ftol 84 (Defaults to 1.0e-3) 85 86 fixedHypers : numpy.ndarray (boolean array) 87 boolean vector of the same size of hyp_initial_guess; 88 'False' means that the corresponding hyperparameter must 89 be kept fixed (so not optimized). 90 (Defaults to None, which during means all True) 91 92 NOTE: the maximization of log_marginal_likelihood is a non-linear 93 optimization problem (NLP). This fact is confirmed by Dmitrey, 94 author of OpenOpt. 95 """ 96 self.problem = None 97 self.use_gradient = use_gradient 98 self.logscale = logscale # use log-scale on hyperparameters to enhance numerical stability 99 self.optimization_algorithm = optimization_algorithm 100 self.hyp_initial_guess = N.array(hyp_initial_guess) 101 self.hyp_initial_guess_log = N.log(self.hyp_initial_guess) 102 if fixedHypers is None: 103 fixedHypers = N.zeros(self.hyp_initial_guess.shape[0],dtype=bool) 104 pass 105 self.freeHypers = -fixedHypers 106 if self.logscale: 107 self.hyp_running_guess = self.hyp_initial_guess_log.copy() 108 else: 109 self.hyp_running_guess = self.hyp_initial_guess.copy() 110 pass 111 self.f_last_x = None 112 113 def f(x): 114 """ 115 Wrapper to the log_marginal_likelihood to be 116 maximized. 117 """ 118 # XXX EO: since some OpenOpt NLP solvers does not 119 # implement lower bounds the hyperparameters bounds are 120 # implemented inside PyMVPA: (see dmitrey's post on 121 # [SciPy-user] 20080628). 122 # 123 # XXX EO: OpenOpt does not implement optimization of a 124 # subset of the hyperparameters so it is implemented here. 125 # 126 # XXX EO: OpenOpt does not implement logrithmic scale of 127 # the hyperparameters (to enhance numerical stability), so 128 # it is implemented here. 129 self.f_last_x = x.copy() 130 self.hyp_running_guess[self.freeHypers] = x 131 # REMOVE print "guess:",self.hyp_running_guess,x 132 try: 133 if self.logscale: 134 self.parametric_model.set_hyperparameters(N.exp(self.hyp_running_guess)) 135 else: 136 self.parametric_model.set_hyperparameters(self.hyp_running_guess) 137 pass 138 except InvalidHyperparameterError: 139 if __debug__: debug("MOD_SEL","WARNING: invalid hyperparameters!") 140 return -N.inf 141 try: 142 self.parametric_model.train(self.dataset) 143 except (N.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError, SL.basic.LinAlgError, ValueError): 144 # Note that ValueError could be raised when Cholesky gets Inf or Nan. 145 if __debug__: debug("MOD_SEL", "WARNING: Cholesky failed! Invalid hyperparameters!") 146 return -N.inf 147 log_marginal_likelihood = self.parametric_model.compute_log_marginal_likelihood() 148 # REMOVE print log_marginal_likelihood 149 return log_marginal_likelihood
150 151 def df(x): 152 """ 153 Proxy to the log_marginal_likelihood first 154 derivative. Necessary for OpenOpt when using derivatives. 155 """ 156 self.hyp_running_guess[self.freeHypers] = x 157 # REMOVE print "df guess:",self.hyp_running_guess,x 158 # XXX EO: Most of the following lines can be skipped if 159 # df() is computed just after f() with the same 160 # hyperparameters. The partial results obtained during f() 161 # are what is needed for df(). For now, in order to avoid 162 # bugs difficult to trace, we keep this redunundancy. A 163 # deep check with how OpenOpt works or using memoization 164 # should solve this issue. 165 try: 166 if self.logscale: 167 self.parametric_model.set_hyperparameters(N.exp(self.hyp_running_guess)) 168 else: 169 self.parametric_model.set_hyperparameters(self.hyp_running_guess) 170 pass 171 except InvalidHyperparameterError: 172 if __debug__: debug("MOD_SEL", "WARNING: invalid hyperparameters!") 173 return -N.inf 174 # Check if it is possible to avoid useless computations 175 # already done in f(). According to tests and information 176 # collected from OpenOpt people, it is sufficiently 177 # unexpected that the following test succeed: 178 if N.any(x!=self.f_last_x): 179 if __debug__: debug("MOD_SEL","UNEXPECTED: recomputing train+log_marginal_likelihood.") 180 try: 181 self.parametric_model.train(self.dataset) 182 except (N.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError, SL.basic.LinAlgError, ValueError): 183 if __debug__: debug("MOD_SEL", "WARNING: Cholesky failed! Invalid hyperparameters!") 184 # XXX EO: which value for the gradient to return to 185 # OpenOpt when hyperparameters are wrong? 186 return N.zeros(x.size) 187 log_marginal_likelihood = self.parametric_model.compute_log_marginal_likelihood() # recompute what's needed (to be safe) REMOVE IN FUTURE! 188 pass 189 if self.logscale: 190 gradient_log_marginal_likelihood = self.parametric_model.compute_gradient_log_marginal_likelihood_logscale() 191 else: 192 gradient_log_marginal_likelihood = self.parametric_model.compute_gradient_log_marginal_likelihood() 193 pass 194 # REMOVE print "grad:",gradient_log_marginal_likelihood 195 return gradient_log_marginal_likelihood[self.freeHypers]
196 197 198 if self.logscale: 199 # vector of hyperparameters' values where to start the search 200 x0 = self.hyp_initial_guess_log[self.freeHypers] 201 else: 202 x0 = self.hyp_initial_guess[self.freeHypers] 203 pass 204 self.contol = 1.0e-20 # Constraint tolerance level 205 # XXX EO: is it necessary to use contol when self.logscale is 206 # True and there is no lb? Ask dmitrey. 207 if self.use_gradient: 208 # actual instance of the OpenOpt non-linear problem 209 self.problem = NLP(f, x0, df=df, contol=self.contol, goal='maximum') 210 else: 211 self.problem = NLP(f, x0, contol=self.contol, goal='maximum') 212 pass 213 = "Max LogMargLikelihood" 214 if not self.logscale: 215 # set lower bound for hyperparameters: avoid negative 216 # hyperparameters. Note: problem.n is the size of 217 # hyperparameters' vector 218 = N.zeros(self.problem.n)+self.contol 219 pass 220 # max number of iterations for the optimizer. 221 self.problem.maxiter = maxiter 222 # check whether the derivative of log_marginal_likelihood converged to 223 # zero before ending optimization 224 self.problem.checkdf = True 225 # set increment of log_marginal_likelihood under which the optimizer stops 226 self.problem.ftol = ftol 227 self.problem.iprint = _openopt_debug() 228 return self.problem 229 230
231 - def solve(self, problem=None):
232 """Solve the maximization problem, check outcome and collect results. 233 """ 234 # XXX: this method can be made more abstract in future in the 235 # sense that it could work not only for 236 # log_marginal_likelihood but other measures as well 237 # (e.g. cross-valideted error). 238 239 if N.all(self.freeHypers==False): # no optimization needed 240 self.hyperparameters_best = self.hyp_initial_guess.copy() 241 try: 242 self.parametric_model.set_hyperparameters(self.hyperparameters_best) 243 except InvalidHyperparameterError: 244 if __debug__: debug("MOD_SEL", "WARNING: invalid hyperparameters!") 245 self.log_marginal_likelihood_best = -N.inf 246 return self.log_marginal_likelihood_best 247 self.parametric_model.train(self.dataset) 248 self.log_marginal_likelihood_best = self.parametric_model.compute_log_marginal_likelihood() 249 return self.log_marginal_likelihood_best 250 251 result = self.problem.solve(self.optimization_algorithm) # perform optimization! 252 if result.stopcase == -1: 253 # XXX: should we use debug() for the following messages? 254 # If so, how can we track the missing convergence to a 255 # solution? 256 print "Unable to find a maximum to log_marginal_likelihood" 257 elif result.stopcase == 0: 258 print "Limits exceeded" 259 elif result.stopcase == 1: 260 self.hyperparameters_best = self.hyp_initial_guess.copy() 261 if self.logscale: 262 self.hyperparameters_best[self.freeHypers] = N.exp(result.xf) # best hyperparameters found # NOTE is it better to return a copy? 263 else: 264 self.hyperparameters_best[self.freeHypers] = result.xf 265 pass 266 self.log_marginal_likelihood_best = result.ff # actual best vuale of log_marginal_likelihood 267 pass 268 self.stopcase = result.stopcase 269 return self.log_marginal_likelihood_best
270 271 pass 272