Package mvpa :: Package clfs :: Module blr
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Source Code for Module mvpa.clfs.blr

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  4  # 
  5  #   Copyright (c) 2008 Emanuele Olivetti <> 
  6  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
  7  #   copyright and license terms. 
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 10  """Bayesian Linear Regression (BLR).""" 
 12  __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' 
 15  import numpy as N 
 17  from mvpa.misc.state import StateVariable 
 18  from mvpa.clfs.base import Classifier 
 20  if __debug__: 
 21      from mvpa.misc import debug 
24 -class BLR(Classifier):
25 """Bayesian Linear Regression (BLR). 26 27 """ 28 29 predicted_variances = StateVariable(enabled=False, 30 doc="Variance per each predicted value") 31 32 log_marginal_likelihood = StateVariable(enabled=False, 33 doc="Log Marginal Likelihood") 34 35 36 _clf_internals = [ 'blr', 'regression', 'linear' ] 37
38 - def __init__(self, sigma_p = None, sigma_noise=1.0, **kwargs):
39 """Initialize a BLR regression analysis. 40 41 :Parameters: 42 sigma_noise : float 43 the standard deviation of the gaussian noise. 44 (Defaults to 0.1) 45 46 """ 47 # init base class first 48 Classifier.__init__(self, **kwargs) 49 50 # pylint happiness 51 self.w = None 52 53 # It does not make sense to calculate a confusion matrix for a 54 # BLR: 55 self.states.enable('training_confusion', False) 56 57 # set the prior on w: N(0,sigma_p) , specifying the covariance 58 # sigma_p on w: 59 self.sigma_p = sigma_p 60 61 # set noise level: 62 self.sigma_noise = sigma_noise 63 64 self.predicted_variances = None 65 self.log_marginal_likelihood = None 66 self.labels = None 67 pass
69 - def __repr__(self):
70 """String summary of the object 71 """ 72 return """BLR(w=%s, sigma_p=%s, sigma_noise=%f, enable_states=%s)""" % \ 73 (self.w, self.sigma_p, self.sigma_noise, str(self.states.enabled))
74 75
77 """ 78 Compute log marginal likelihood using self.train_fv and self.labels. 79 """ 80 # log_marginal_likelihood = None 81 # return log_marginal_likelihood 82 raise NotImplementedError
83 84
85 - def _train(self, data):
86 """Train regression using `data` (`Dataset`). 87 """ 88 # provide a basic (i.e. identity matrix) and correct prior 89 # sigma_p, if not provided before or not compliant to 'data': 90 if self.sigma_p == None: # case: not provided 91 self.sigma_p = N.eye(data.samples.shape[1]+1) 92 elif self.sigma_p.shape[1] != (data.samples.shape[1]+1): # case: wrong dimensions 93 self.sigma_p = N.eye(data.samples.shape[1]+1) 94 else: 95 # ...then everything is OK :) 96 pass 97 98 # add one fake column of '1.0' to model the intercept: 99 self.samples_train = N.hstack([data.samples,N.ones((data.samples.shape[0],1))]) 100 if type(self.sigma_p)!=type(self.samples_train): # if sigma_p is a number... 101 self.sigma_p = N.eye(self.samples_train.shape[1])*self.sigma_p # convert in matrix 102 pass 103 104 self.A_inv = N.linalg.inv(1.0/(self.sigma_noise**2) * 105, 106 self.samples_train) + 107 N.linalg.inv(self.sigma_p)) 108 self.w = 1.0/(self.sigma_noise**2) *, 109, 110 data.labels)) 111 pass
112 113
114 - def _predict(self, data):
115 """ 116 Predict the output for the provided data. 117 """ 118 119 data = N.hstack([data,N.ones((data.shape[0],1),dtype=data.dtype)]) 120 predictions =,self.w) 121 122 if self.states.isEnabled('predicted_variances'): 123 # do computation only if state variable was enabled 124 self.predicted_variances =,, data.T)).diagonal()[:,N.newaxis] 125 126 return predictions
127 128
129 - def set_hyperparameters(self,*args):
130 """ 131 Set hyperparameters' values. 132 133 Note that this is a list so the order of the values is 134 important. 135 """ 136 args=args[0] 137 self.sigma_noise = args[0] 138 if len(args)>1: 139 self.sigma_p = N.array(args[1:]) # XXX check if this is ok 140 pass 141 return
142 143 pass
144 145 146 if __name__ == "__main__": 147 import pylab 148 pylab.close("all") 149 pylab.ion() 150 151 from mvpa.misc.data_generators import linear_awgn 152 153 train_size = 10 154 test_size = 100 155 F = 1 # dimensions of the dataset 156 157 # N.random.seed(1) 158 159 slope = N.random.rand(F) 160 intercept = N.random.rand(1) 161 print "True slope:",slope 162 print "True intercept:",intercept 163 164 dataset_train = linear_awgn(train_size, intercept=intercept, slope=slope) 165 # print dataset.labels 166 167 dataset_test = linear_awgn(test_size, intercept=intercept, slope=slope, flat=True) 168 169 regression = True 170 logml = False 171 172 b = BLR(sigma_p=N.eye(F+1), sigma_noise=0.1, regression=True) 173 b.states.enable("predicted_variances") 174 b.train(dataset_train) 175 predictions = b.predict(dataset_test.samples) 176 print "Predicted slope and intercept:",b.w 177 178 if F==1: 179 pylab.plot(dataset_train.samples,dataset_train.labels,"ro",label="train") 180 181 pylab.plot(dataset_test.samples,predictions,"b-",label="prediction") 182 pylab.plot(dataset_test.samples,predictions+N.sqrt(b.predicted_variances),"b--",label="pred(+/-)std") 183 pylab.plot(dataset_test.samples,predictions-N.sqrt(b.predicted_variances),"b--",label=None) 184 # pylab.plot(dataset_test.samples,dataset_test.labels,"go") 185 pylab.legend() 186 pylab.xlabel("samples") 187 pylab.ylabel("labels") 188 pylab.title("Bayesian Linear Regression on dataset 'linear_AWGN'") 189 pass 190