Package mvpa :: Package base :: Module info
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Source Code for Module

  1  # emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- 
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  3  ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ## 
  4  # 
  5  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
  6  #   copyright and license terms. 
  7  # 
  8  ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ## 
  9  """Provide system and PyMVPA information useful while reporting bugs 
 10  """ 
 12  __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' 
 14  import time, sys, os, subprocess 
 15  import platform as pl 
 16  from tempfile import mkstemp 
 17  from StringIO import StringIO 
 19  import mvpa 
 20  from mvpa.base import externals, cfg 
22 -def _t2s(t):
23 res = [] 24 for e in t: 25 if isinstance(e, tuple): 26 es = _t2s(e) 27 if es != '': 28 res += ['(%s)' % es] 29 elif e != '': 30 res += [e] 31 return '/'.join(res)
32 33 __all__ = ['wtf'] 34
35 -class WTF(object):
36 """Convenience class to contain information about PyMVPA and OS 37 38 TODO: refactor to actually not contain just string representation 39 but rather a dictionary (of dictionaries) 40 """ 41
42 - def __init__(self):
43 self._info = '' 44 self._acquire()
46 - def _acquire(self):
47 """ 48 TODO: refactor and redo ;) 49 """ 50 out = StringIO() 51 52 out.write("Current date: %s\n" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) 53 54 out.write("PyMVPA:\n") 55 out.write(" Version: %s\n" % mvpa.__version__) 56 out.write(" Path: %s\n" % mvpa.__file__) 57 58 # Try to obtain git information if available 59 out.write(" Version control (GIT):\n") 60 try: 61 gitpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mvpa.__file__), os.path.pardir) 62 gitpathgit = os.path.join(gitpath, '.git') 63 if os.path.exists(gitpathgit): 64 for scmd, cmd in [ 65 ('Status', ['status']), 66 ('Reference', 'show-ref -h HEAD'.split(' ')), 67 ('Difference from last release %s' % mvpa.__version__, 68 ['diff', '--shortstat', 'upstream/%s...' % mvpa.__version__])]: 69 try: 70 (tmpd, tmpn) = mkstemp('mvpa', 'git') 71 retcode =['git', 72 '--git-dir=%s' % gitpathgit, 73 '--work-tree=%s' % gitpath] + cmd, 74 stdout=tmpd, 75 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) 76 finally: 77 outlines = open(tmpn, 'r').readlines() 78 if len(outlines): 79 out.write(' %s:\n %s' % (scmd, ' '.join(outlines))) 80 os.remove(tmpn) 81 #except Exception, e: 82 # pass 83 else: 84 raise RuntimeError, "%s is not under GIT" % gitpath 85 except Exception, e: 86 out.write(' GIT information could not be obtained due "%s"\n' % e) 87 88 out.write('SYSTEM:\n') 89 out.write(' OS: %s\n' % 90 ' '.join([, 91 pl.system(), 92 pl.release(), 93 pl.version()]).rstrip()) 94 out.write(' Distribution: %s\n' % 95 ' '.join([_t2s(pl.dist()), 96 _t2s(pl.mac_ver()), 97 _t2s(pl.win32_ver())]).rstrip()) 98 99 # Test and list all dependencies: 100 sdeps = {True: [], False: []} 101 for dep in sorted(externals._KNOWN): 102 sdeps[externals.exists(dep, force=False)] += [dep] 103 out.write('EXTERNALS:\n') 104 out.write(' Present: %s\n' % ', '.join(sdeps[True])) 105 out.write(' Absent: %s\n' % ', '.join(sdeps[False])) 106 107 SV = ('.__version__', ) # standard versioning 108 out.write(' Versions of critical externals:\n') 109 for e, mname, fs in ( 110 ('ctypes', None, SV), 111 ('matplotlib', None, SV), 112 ('lxml', None, ('.etree.__version__',)), 113 ('nifti', None, SV), 114 ('numpy', None, SV), 115 ('openopt', 'openopt', SV), 116 ('openopt', 'scikits.openopt', ('.openopt.__version__',)), 117 ('pywt', None, SV), 118 ('rpy', None, ('.rpy_version',)), 119 ('scipy', None, SV), 120 ('shogun', None, ('.Classifier.Version_get_version_release()',)), 121 ): 122 try: 123 if not externals.exists(e): 124 continue #sver = 'not present' 125 else: 126 if mname is None: 127 mname = e 128 m = __import__(mname) 129 svers = [eval('m%s' % (f,)) for f in fs] 130 sver = ' '.join(svers) 131 except Exception, exc: 132 sver = 'failed to query due to "%s"' % str(exc) 133 out.write(' %-12s: %s\n' % (e, sver)) 134 135 if externals.exists('matplotlib'): 136 import matplotlib 137 out.write(' Matplotlib backend: %s\n' % matplotlib.get_backend()) 138 139 out.write("RUNTIME:\n") 140 out.write(" PyMVPA Environment Variables:\n") 141 out.write(' '.join([' %-20s: "%s"\n' % (str(k), str(v)) 142 for k, v in os.environ.iteritems() 143 if (k.startswith('MVPA') or k.startswith('PYTHON'))])) 144 145 out.write(" PyMVPA Runtime Configuration:\n") 146 out.write(' ' + str(cfg).replace('\n', '\n ').rstrip() + '\n') 147 148 try: 149 procstat = open('/proc/%d/status' % os.getpid()).readlines() 150 out.write(' Process Information:\n') 151 out.write(' ' + ' '.join(procstat)) 152 except: 153 pass 154 155 self._info = out.getvalue()
157 - def __repr__(self):
158 if self._info is None: 159 self._acquire() 160 return self._info
161 162 __str__ = __repr__
163 164
165 -def wtf(filename=None):
166 """Report summary about PyMVPA and the system 167 168 :Keywords: 169 filename : None or string 170 If provided, information will be stored in a file, not printed 171 to the screen 172 """ 173 174 info = WTF() 175 if filename is not None: 176 out = file(filename, 'w').write(str(info)) 177 else: 178 return info
179 180 181 if __name__ == '__main__': 182 print wtf() 183