Package mvpa :: Package base :: Module config
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Source Code for Module mvpa.base.config

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  5  #   See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the 
  6  #   copyright and license terms. 
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  9  """Registry-like monster""" 
 11  __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' 
 13  from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser 
 14  import os.path 
17 -class ConfigManager(SafeConfigParser):
18 """Central configuration registry for PyMVPA. 19 20 The purpose of this class is to collect all configurable settings used by 21 various parts of PyMVPA. It is fairly simple and does only little more 22 than the standard Python ConfigParser. Like ConfigParser it is blind to the 23 data that it stores, i.e. not type checking is performed. 24 25 Configuration files (INI syntax) in multiple location are passed when the 26 class is instanciated or whenever `Config.reload()` is called later on. 27 By default it looks for a config file named `pymvpa.cfg` in the current 28 directory and `.pymvpa.cfg` in the user's home directory. Morever, the 29 constructor takes an optional argument with a list of additional file names 30 to parse. 31 32 In addition to configuration files, this class also looks for special 33 environment variables to read settings from. Names of such variables have to 34 start with `MVPA_` following by the an optional section name and the 35 variable name itself ('_' as delimiter). If no section name is provided, 36 the variables will be associated with section `general`. Some examples:: 37 38 MVPA_VERBOSE=1 39 40 will become:: 41 42 [general] 43 verbose = 1 44 45 However, `MVPA_VERBOSE_OUTPUT=stdout` becomes:: 46 47 [verbose] 48 output = stdout 49 50 Any lenght of variable name as allowed, e.g. MVPA_SEC1_LONG_VARIABLE_NAME=1 51 becomes:: 52 53 [sec1] 54 long variable name = 1 55 56 Settings from custom configuration files (specified by the constructor 57 argument) have the highest priority and override settings found in the 58 current directory. They in turn override user-specific settings and finally 59 the content of any `MVPA_*` environment variables overrides all settings 60 read from any file. 61 """ 62 63 # things we want to count on to be available 64 _DEFAULTS = {'general': 65 { 66 'verbose': '1', 67 } 68 } 69 70
71 - def __init__(self, filenames=None):
72 """Initialization reads settings from config files and env. variables. 73 74 :Parameters: 75 filenames: list of filenames 76 """ 77 SafeConfigParser.__init__(self) 78 79 # store additional config file names 80 if not filenames is None: 81 self.__cfg_filenames = filenames 82 else: 83 self.__cfg_filenames = [] 84 85 # set critical defaults 86 for sec, vars in ConfigManager._DEFAULTS.iteritems(): 87 self.add_section(sec) 88 for key, value in vars.iteritems(): 89 self.set(sec, key, value) 90 91 # now get the setting 92 self.reload()
93 94
95 - def reload(self):
96 """Re-read settings from all configured locations. 97 """ 98 # listof filenames to parse (custom plus some standard ones) 99 filenames = self.__cfg_filenames \ 100 + ['pymvpa.cfg', 101 os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pymvpa.cfg')] 102 103 # read local and user-specific config 104 files = 105 106 # no look for variables in the environment 107 for var in [v for v in os.environ.keys() if v.startswith('MVPA_')]: 108 # strip leading 'MVPA_' and lower case entries 109 svar = var[5:].lower() 110 111 # section is next element in name (or 'general' if simple name) 112 if not svar.count('_'): 113 sec = 'general' 114 else: 115 cut = svar.find('_') 116 sec = svar[:cut] 117 svar = svar[cut + 1:].replace('_', ' ') 118 119 # check if section is already known and add it if not 120 if not self.has_section(sec): 121 self.add_section(sec) 122 123 # set value 124 self.set(sec, svar, os.environ[var])
125 126
127 - def __repr__(self):
128 """Generate INI file content with current configuration. 129 """ 130 # make adaptor to use str as file-like (needed for ConfigParser.write() 131 class file2str(object): 132 def __init__(self): 133 self.__s = ''
134 def write(self, val): 135 self.__s += val
136 def str(self): 137 return self.__s 138 139 r = file2str() 140 self.write(r) 141 142 return r.str() 143 144
145 - def save(self, filename):
146 """Write current configuration to a file. 147 """ 148 f = open(filename, 'w') 149 self.write(f) 150 f.close()
151 152
153 - def get(self, section, option, default=None, **kwargs):
154 """Wrapper around SafeConfigParser.get() with a custom default value. 155 156 This method simply wraps the base class method, but adds a `default` 157 keyword argument. The value of `default` is returned whenever the 158 config parser does not have the requested option and/or section. 159 """ 160 if not self.has_option(section, option): 161 return default 162 163 return SafeConfigParser.get(self, section, option, **kwargs)
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166 - def getboolean(self, section, option, default=None):
167 """Wrapper around SafeConfigParser.getboolean() with a custom default. 168 169 This method simply wraps the base class method, but adds a `default` 170 keyword argument. The value of `default` is returned whenever the 171 config parser does not have the requested option and/or section. 172 """ 173 if not self.has_option(section, option): 174 if isinstance(default, bool): 175 return default 176 else: 177 if default.lower() not in self._boolean_states: 178 raise ValueError, 'Not a boolean: %s' % default 179 return self._boolean_states[default.lower()] 180 181 return SafeConfigParser.getboolean(self, section, option)
182 183
184 - def getAsDType(self, section, option, dtype, default=None):
185 """Convenience method to query options with a custom default and type 186 187 This method simply wraps the base class method, but adds a `default` 188 keyword argument. The value of `default` is returned whenever the 189 config parser does not have the requested option and/or section. 190 191 In addition, the returned value is converted into the specified `dtype`. 192 """ 193 if not self.has_option(section, option): 194 return default 195 196 return SafeConfigParser._get(self, section, dtype, option)