Package mvpa :: Package atlases :: Module fsl :: Class FSLProbabilisticAtlas
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Class FSLProbabilisticAtlas

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Probabilistic FSL atlases
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, thr=0.0, strategy='all', sort=True, *args, **kwargs)
Create an atlas object based on the... XXX
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labelVoxel(self, c, levels=None)
Return labels for the voxel
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find(self, *args, **kwargs)
Just a shortcut to the only level.
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getMap(self, target, strategy='unique')
Return a probability map
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getMaps(self, target)
Return a list of probability maps for the target
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Inherited from FSLAtlas (private): _loadData, _loadImages

Inherited from base.XMLBasedAtlas: __getattr__, __getitem__, labelPoint, levelsListing, loadAtlas, setCoordT, version

Inherited from base.XMLBasedAtlas (private): _checkRange, _getLevels, _getLevelsDict, _getLevelsDict_virtual

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from FSLAtlas (private): _checkVersion

Inherited from base.XMLBasedAtlas (private): _children_tags, _compare_lists

Class Variables [hide private]
  __doc__ = enhancedDocString('FSLProbabilisticAtlas', locals(),...

Inherited from FSLAtlas: source

Inherited from base.XMLBasedAtlas: coordT, extent, levels_dict, origin, spaceT, voxdim

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, thr=0.0, strategy='all', sort=True, *args, **kwargs)

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Create an atlas object based on the... XXX
  • thr (float) - Value to threshold at
  • strategy (basestring) -
    Possible values
    all - all entries above thr max - entry with maximal value
  • sort (bool) - Either to sort entries for 'all' strategy according to probability
Overrides: object.__init__

labelVoxel(self, c, levels=None)

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Return labels for the voxel


  • c : tuple of coordinates (xyz)
  • levels : just for API consistency (heh heh). Must be 0 for FSL atlases

find(self, *args, **kwargs)

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Just a shortcut to the only level.

See :class:`~mvpa.atlases.base.Level.find` for more info

getMap(self, target, strategy='unique')

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Return a probability map
  • target (int or str or re._pattern_type) - If int, map for given index is returned. Otherwise, .find is called with unique=True to find matching area
  • strategy (str in ('unique', 'max')) - If 'unique', then if multiple areas match, exception would be raised. In case of 'max', each voxel would get maximal value of probabilities from all matching areas

getMaps(self, target)

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Return a list of probability maps for the target
  • target (str or re._pattern_type) - .find is called with a target and unique=False to find all matches

Class Variable Details [hide private]


enhancedDocString('FSLProbabilisticAtlas', locals(), FSLAtlas)