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This content refers to the previous stable release of PyMVPA. Please visit for the most recent version of PyMVPA and its documentation.


Inheritance diagram for

IO helper for MEG datasets.



Bases: object

Reader for MEG data from line-based textfile format.

This class reads segmented MEG data from a textfile, which is created by converting the proprietary binary output files of a MEG device in Tuebingen (Germany) with an unkown tool.

The file format is line-based, i.e. all timepoints for all samples/trials are written in a single line. Each line is prefixed with an identifier (using a colon as the delimiter between identifier and data). Two lines have a special purpose. The first ‘Sample Number’ is a list of timepoint ids, similar to range(ntimepoints) for each sample/trial (all concatenated into one line. The second ‘Time’ contains the timing information for each timepoint (relative to stimulus onset), again for all trials concatenated into a single line.

All other lines contain various information (channels) recorded during the experiment. The meaning of some channels is unknown. Known ones are:

M*: MEG channels EEG*: EEG channels ADC*: Analog to digital converter output

Dataset properties are available from various class attributes. The data member provides all data from all channels (except for ‘Sample Number’ and ‘Time’) in a NumPy array (nsamples x nchannels x ntimepoints).

The reader supports uncompressed as well as gzipped input files (or other file-like objects).

Reader MEG data from texfiles or file-like objects.

Parameters:source (str | file-like) – Strings are assumed to be filenames (with .gz suffix compressed), while all other object types are treated as file-like objects.