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Module: mappers.procrustean

Inheritance diagram for mvpa.mappers.procrustean:

Procrustean rotation mapper


class mvpa.mappers.procrustean.ProcrusteanMapper(scaling=True, reflection=True, reduction=True, oblique=False, oblique_rcond=-1, **kwargs)

Bases: mvpa.mappers.base.ProjectionMapper

Mapper to project from one space to another using Procrustean transformation (shift + scaling + rotation)

See also

Please refer to the documentation of the base class for more information:


Initialize the ProcrusteanMapper

  • scaling (bool) – Scale data for the transformation (no longer rigid body transformation)
  • reflection (bool) – Allow for the data to be reflected (so it might not be a rotation). Effective only for non-oblique transformations
  • reduction (bool) – If true, it is allowed to map into lower-dimensional space. Forward transformation might be suboptimal then and reverse transformation might not recover all original variance
  • oblique (bool) – Either to allow non-orthogonal transformation – might heavily overfit the data if there is less samples than dimensions. Use oblique_rcond.
  • oblique_rcond (float) – Cutoff for ‘small’ singular values to regularize the inverse. See lstsq for more information.
  • selector (None | list) – Which components (i.e. columns of the projection matrix) should be used for mapping. If selector is None all components are used. If a list is provided, all list elements are treated as component ids and the respective components are selected (all others are discarded).
  • demean (bool) – Either data should be demeaned while computing projections and applied back while doing reverse()