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Module: mappers.ica
Inheritance diagram for mvpa.mappers.ica:
Data mapper
class mvpa.mappers.ica.ICAMapper(algorithm='cubica', transpose=False, **kwargs)
Bases: mvpa.mappers.base.ProjectionMapper
Mapper to project data onto ICA components estimated from some dataset.
After the mapper has been instantiated, it has to be train first. The ICA
mapper only handles 2D data matrices.
See also
Please refer to the documentation of the base class for more information:
Initialize instance of ICAMapper
Parameters: |
- selector (None | list) – Which components (i.e. columns of the projection matrix)
should be used for mapping. If selector is None all
components are used. If a list is provided, all list
elements are treated as component ids and the respective
components are selected (all others are discarded).
- demean (bool) – Either data should be demeaned while computing
projections and applied back while doing reverse()