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Module: base.externals

Helper to verify presence of external libraries and modules


mvpa.base.externals.exists(dep, force=False, raiseException=False, issueWarning=None)

Test whether a known dependency is installed on the system.

This method allows us to test for individual dependencies without testing all known dependencies. It also ensures that we only test for a dependency once.

  • dep (string or list of string) – The dependency key(s) to test.
  • force (boolean) – Whether to force the test even if it has already been performed.
  • raiseException (boolean or ‘always’) – Whether to raise RuntimeError if dependency is missing. If True, it is still conditioned on the global setting MVPA_EXTERNALS_RAISE_EXCEPTION, while would raise exception if missing despite the configuration if ‘always’.
  • issueWarning (string or None or True) – If string, warning with given message would be thrown. If True, standard message would be used for the warning text.

Test for all known dependencies.

Parameters:force (boolean) – Whether to force the test even if it has already been performed.