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Spatio-temporal Analysis of event-related fMRI data

This content refers to the previous stable release of PyMVPA. Please visit for the most recent version of PyMVPA and its documentation.

Determine the Distribution of some VariableΒΆ

This is an example demonstrating discovery of the distribution facility.

from mvpa.suite import *

verbose.level = 2
if __debug__:
    # report useful debug information for the example += ['STAT', 'STAT_']

report = Report(name='match_distribution_report',
                title='PyMVPA Example:')
verbose.handlers += [report]     # Lets add verbose output to the report.
                                 # Similar action could be done to 'debug'
# Figure for just normal distribution

# generate random signal from normal distribution
verbose(1, "Random signal with normal distribution")
data = N.random.normal(size=(1000, 1))

# find matching distributions
# NOTE: since kstest is broken in older versions of scipy
#       p-roc testing is done here, which aims to minimize
#       false positives/negatives while doing H0-testing
test = 'p-roc'
figsize = (15, 10)
verbose(1, "Find matching datasets")
matches = matchDistribution(data, test=test, p=0.05)

P.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plotDistributionMatches(data, matches, legend=1, nbest=5)
P.title('Normal: 5 best distributions')

P.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plotDistributionMatches(data, matches, nbest=5, p=0.05,
                        tail='any', legend=4)
P.title('Accept regions for two-tailed test')

# we are done with the figure -- add it to report

# Figure for fMRI data sample we have
verbose(1, "Load sample fMRI dataset")
attr = SampleAttributes(os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'attributes.txt'))
dataset = NiftiDataset(samples=os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'bold.nii.gz'),
                       mask=os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'mask.nii.gz'))
# select random voxel
dataset = dataset.selectFeatures(

verbose(2, "Minimal preprocessing to remove the bias per each voxel")
detrend(dataset, perchunk=True, model='linear')
zscore(dataset, perchunk=True, baselinelabels=[0],

# on all voxels at once, just for the sake of visualization
data = dataset.samples.ravel()
verbose(2, "Find matching distribution")
matches = matchDistribution(data, test=test, p=0.05)

P.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plotDistributionMatches(data, matches, legend=1, nbest=5)
P.title('Random voxel: 5 best distributions')

P.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plotDistributionMatches(data, matches, nbest=5, p=0.05,
                        tail='any', legend=4)
P.title('Accept regions for two-tailed test')

if cfg.getboolean('examples', 'interactive', True):
    # store the report
    # show the cool figure

Example output for a random voxel is

Matching distributions for a random voxel

See also

The full source code of this example is included in the PyMVPA source distribution (doc/examples/